Hull Armor of the M1 Abrams

Im waiting for the Challenger 2 fixes if they do all the reports that were sent that thing will be a beast

Yeah, that’s what I don’t get, when a Bug report is reported and acknowledged, why does it take weeks or months to get implemented? like the Turret ring, Kevlar liners, and hopefully the engine noise, they have specifications on how to implement it but yet nothing. There are two things Gaijin will move swiftly on, Russian vehicles and dismissing anything that can help nato tanks.


Yeah takes forever but we British mains are used to it

Im waiting for the Challenger 2 fixes if they do all the reports that were sent that thing will be a beast

I am guessing this is in regards to the ERA? afaik the frontal armour won’t change for the better.

It’s just your typical half fix from Gaijin.

Sure not having to deal with 11.3 premiums and squadron vehicles is nice, but they didn’t change how dominant the 2A7V and 122s are compared to everything else.

where’s the M1128 spall liner, they said they’re gonna add it but i can’t see nothing.

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Even is they added the spall liner on the M1128 is going to be small pieces that won’t do anything for example the M3A3 Bradly. That thing has it everywhere irl but gaijin thinks it 3 small pieces that covers nothing.

It would be this size


At least with computer modelling we now know that leoperd is better than Abrams

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Didn’t everyone know that the Leo is better in wt?

He likes to drift between the different NATO tank topics to try and bait people.

Not sure what’s up with that. Probably not enough attention from his family or something.


lmao a sep graveyard since no spall liner for usa.


And this shall Keep happening untill the army put spall liners in their SEP V2’s

this shall continue untill gaijin put them on sepv2s and guess their real armour since they guess about every russ tank.


There’s a bug report about the Abrams missing spall liner that was acknowledged by Gaijin (although they’re taking their time fixing it, it’s been a month)


Eh i dont think theyre going to, it would be a completely different kind of thing since it not the sMe S the spall liners we have in game, if its implemented as i believe it shouldnt be. Itd be either minimal, or the strongest depending on how gaijin think it should work.

It depends on how they interpret it, the options pretty much are:

  • “It doesn’t work at all”
  • “It’s only for HEAT shells”
  • “It’s not as efficient as others”
  • “It works just as well” (the least likely option)

Currently I think the best we can hope for is zero spall whatsoever from HEAT/HE shells and a minor debuff in spall reduction performance (in comparison to the spall liners in game currently).

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The bug report is for a Kevlar liner so the best way to implement it is to just reduce the post pen spalling. A good middle ground between spall liner and what we have currently. The main issue I think is that neck though, if they implement the Kevlar liner you will still get nuked by that turret ring.

image (this likely already has been posted)
by this time the most modern USMC tank was the M1A1 SA, this document wording(specifically when they say Tank/Turret) does lead me to believe there was DU in the Hull of these tanks, and whilst the same wording also could make one think the DU was present ONLY on USMC tanks, we know for a fact DU was in the Turrets of M1A2 tanks, so again the question is if the technology worked and was effective why not used it on their most advanced tank?


the kevlar liner doesnt really appear to exist in the Abrams, and the turret ring shouldnt be a Weakspot i dont think anybody disagrees, im pretty sure that irl even if by miracle the ring was hit from the fron the shel would essentially be crushed by the cheeks