
Someone can explain me why is this thing on 11.3? It’s not that good tbh.

Can someone explain why you didn’t use the right section? It’s not good tbh.

Seriously though, just looking at it, it does not look like a brawler. More like a flanker. I’m assuming you’ve tried that?


If i had a dollar for every time someone complained about anything from the HSTVL, then i could buy the whole US ground tech tree


Probably the air too XD

make that “HSTV-L” an “2S38”, then you could buy the Gaijin.


I actually like the hstvl you just gotta be sneaky with it.

That’s what HSTVL stands for imo


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1- It’s the fastest unlockable tank in the game.
2- It has the highest penning round of the auto-light tanks in the game.
3- It’s the smallest of the auto-light tanks in the game.
4- It has good optics, okay thermals, and the best gun laying.

So yeah, it’s really really good, 2nd if not the best light tank in the game.

Flank, speed, etc it’ll treat you well.
Play it like a significantly faster higher penning Begleitpanzer.

Huh you learn something every day

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um actually the reserve vehicles are the fastest unlockable vehicles in the game (:p

No, they’re all quite a bit slower

its a joke because you get them immediately



HSTVS? thats HSTV-S lmao

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Dang, I guess I shouldn’t be doing acronyms mid match XD

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Because its an American vehicle, and like everything American its over tiered to the point its useless

You clearly haven’t played air, or anything below 9.0 just based on that opinion alone.

you clearly haven’t played the F84s

no its not It can reliably do a lot o damage if you hit someone in the side, and even from the front sometimes.

it would seem that you dogfight in the f-84…