I made a video but the video format is not allowed. See the target is marked when is closer to my crosshair in HUD. When I keep moving the nose the targets keep change it automatically and when I try the CCRP is like turning off the target stabilized and again and again.
what key have you bound to the “lock target” function and what keys have you bound to the CCRP “activate/deactivate target point” and “switch mission bombing target” functions?
the target lock should not effect the CCRP at all. its just a visual indicator that shouldn’t effect any functions.
How I share videos is that I upload them to Youtube, set them to unlisted but just share the link. Might be an option to better explain/demonstrate the issue
I will send a replay today night. It’s extremely annoying and should be an option to set all option to simulation and skip the arcade settings…
I got that by default after last update. I need change that option is annoying. It’s not related to the camera is just showing the closest target and mark it for me such I’m not interested on that option, and I need to change it. I have not clue where to change that option was not like that before and now, I got it.
So i ask my previous questions again:
What is the point with key binding related with arcade options? Here is a video request I made to ask for help.
My steps by steps is:
1- select bombs to use in CCRP
2- Ground stabilize the Crosshair with key option Stabilization Sight
3- Activate laser with Key option Toggle Laser designator
4- Turn ON CCRP mode with key option Automatic Bomb release in CCRP mode
5- keep pressing the weapon release button with key option Drop Bombs
So, what is happening in the scenery when bombing a group of ground units. The crosshair stabilization turns off and off making me impossible do CCRP or even launch laser missiles. see video
Request: Another important thing we are missing in Soviet 3rd gen aircrafts is the ASP Hud option. As you can see in video I approached and mark the area with the crosshair disappearing by default in WT. In case the crosshair is absent, such aircraft have a HUD mode to know where the centering cannon point, and as well to make a manual ballistic calculation.
You’re still in CCIP mode:
You have also for some reason selected a ripple quantity of 4 bombs per key press.
Does nothing for CCRP and is used to designate targets for GNSS/laser/IR munitions.
What you want is “Activate target point” for the CCRP mode.
Good to laser designate for laser bombs. But the FAB-500Sh isn’t laser guided so it won’t do anything at all in this situation.
This does NOT turn on the CCRP mode, it changes how the bombs are dropped in that mode. Without automatic you have to time it yourself, with automatic release on you HOLD the bomb drop button and the plane release the bombs by itself when you are at the correct location.
I’m asking about key binds for a reason, I’m trying to figure out if you have double bound functions or if you are even using the correct settings to begin with. There is something in your settings that keep pressing the “lock target” button over and over. What have you bound to those settings?
Additional question, are you accidentally starting test drive in arcade mode?
Please keep your sight on looking only the HUD weapon selected left upper corner, then you will see how the automatic target designation keeps ruining my CCRP such keep turning off and off. Doesn’t matter if I use Stabilization Sight or designate targets (Seem to give the same results anyhow). Maybe in this game laser is not needed but IRL yes.
That particular flight was in RB mode and all you see in the video happen the same as well in RB random online in MP
Have a read through my guide
And set everything back up fresh. To me it looks like a keybind conflict
Im on mobile at the moment. I’ll see if I can spot what’s going on more clearly when I get home
Which is why i ask about your key binds, it is possible to bind the same key to many functions, and it is possible to have several key to the same function.
If for example you have the “lock target” accidentally set as mouse movement or something.
So i would double check all these settings to see that none have been double bound:
“Lock target” (found in common settings, not aircraft menu)
“drop bomb”
“drop bomb serries”
“drop guided bomb”
“Weapon lock (air-to-ground)”
“Lock guided bombs”
“Switch mission bombing target”
“activate target point”
“deactivate target point”
“sight stabilization”
“Disable sight stabilization”
All that situation didn’t happen a week ago. I’m not sure if you made any change on the last updates. I will coming with another video so it exactly the same with the best result thanks the ground units were away from my crosshairs. In case something comes across my reticle Ground stabilizer crosshair will turn off
I’m trying to help here… Can you PLEASE just look at your key binds for the settings i listed above. key binds can bug out/reset with updates.
I will check that later after work. I left uploading the same steps I post above in another video doing a great job but in that case with none ground units around. Keep an eye in my YouTube Channel please
You also have these two settings you can try changing to see if it helps:
Didn’t work mate
And the key binds?
Fixed. On Common, the lock target was activated with mouse, and control device and keyboard. I don’t remember being set those settings.
Thank you so much
Literally my first question XD <3
Glad it’s fixed ^^