How to play F-5E at 11.0?

Recently I unlocked the f-5E (china) and was really excited to finally see what all the hype/salt around it was about, but I missed the bus before it got upped to 11.0. Idk if its because im not use to flying plans like it or what, but im not doing good in this thing at all and I find that it can’t keep up in this BR at all especially in uptiers where it feels like it has no chance against all aspects and fighters that are much faster than you, has more missiles than you, etc. I’m really not seeing what got this plane all the up to 11.0 and im about ready to just give up on it. I’ll try to at least spade it and see if it just needs all the upgrades to be what it was known for, but im not too far off from spading and its not getting any better. Makes me very concerned about the F-5E FCU i’ve been researching and wondering now if i’ve wasted time researching that. But maybe im just bad. How are you suppose to play the F-5E

You will be constantly facing mig23mla/d and F-4s. I’ve been playing the F-5E FCU a lot lately, which is fine for 11.3 if you play stealthy, but I’ve finished my F-16AJ grind which I now only fly 25% of the matches because I immediately leave if I see any 13.7 in my lobby.

High tiers are very compressed right now, there’s the 13.7 black hole and the 11.7-12.0 premium spam.

I want to add that right now china doesn’t have anything fun to play at high tiers.
F-5E uptiered often
F-16MLU even worse uptiers
J-11 is just a worse flanker and you’ll be facing 13.7 anyway most of the time.
J-10A is ok I guess, but I am sick of 3min matches.

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It’s worth it, and it is very good. The all aspect missiles are great, and its great subsonic flight performance makes it an excellent dogfighter.

The F-5Es are good dogfighters, with solid guns, and they are best used against slower opponents. You will win almost any turnfight.

That’s just the 10.7/11.0 experience.

I dont feel like that’s true because the A-5 still puts in some good work for its BR. even with up tiers it doesn’t feel so helpless as it worst it’ll face a-10s and tornados at 11.7. Not very scary. But its also at a BR where the downtiers are true blessings.

Problem is that its kinda hard to get into that situation, especially in uptiers, where most opponents have the privilege to radar lock you and fire first and you don’t and they get multiple chances at it with 4-6 missiles as a standard. Right now my only way of living long enough to even get into engagements I can win is just let everyone else get tangled up in the furball (not that I have a choice cause the f-5 is too slow to keep up with everyone else) and basically snag unaware players or kill steal, which is just a general thing you can do in almost any plane anyway, but with the f-5 its more mandatory to live like a rat and eat crumbs when they drop rather than being able to force engagements first on your terms.

Been dealing with that too. The AJ is a misquote compared to what it has to face in uptiers, but Im using it to slog through until I can finally reach the first f-15 cause I’m not sticking to a phantom again.

Can we switch places? I’d love to be in 3 minute matches where im not chasing down cowards all the way to the edge of the map for 5 minutes or the last a-10 lollygagging about in a huge map where no one can find them.

Thats why we need AirRB EC with respawns. Top tier 95% of the time a one-sided fox3 spam to the last enemies after 2min, and believe me it gets old fast

One of the best planes I have ever played. Definitely worth it.