How to not get bored

If the game makes you bored stop playing the game that should be a common sense

When I’m bored i like to play low tiers it’s fun

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When I’m bored I visit the forum


Skipping spading vehicles! My “grinding” was always per vehicle not per tree/tier as I saw the completion of a vehicle a priority, even if the vehicle was terrible. I played to spade but because I enjoyed the matches this was just an artificial progress meter. I only stopped when I found the game personally unfun (various modes).

It never stopped me falling to whatever vehicles I fancied playing at that moment, with the extra bonus of a fully functioning vehicle with all its performance.

The problem the OP might have is they might not be enjoying the game, expecting different models of vehicle to change something later on. Apart from a few technological jumps (missiles or more modern ground systems of proper stabs and LRF etc) someone not enjoying it now where they are might very well be disappointed later.

It depends what actual “end goal” they currently have.


I hate the game but i am addicted 😭😭

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Relatable, it’s like you hate her damn guts so much and the reason you two is still together is she is so good on the bed

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if there is no historical, technical or aesthetic interest, if you are not an artist, then come up with some kind of tests, tasks for yourself (like surviving 2 minutes on a T51, shooting down 108 planes in a day, playing wearing a sallet, shooting down all the missiles from helicopters.) and of course take breaks while the match is loading, get up and stretch your old (young) bones.

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Lately I’ve been doing wagers; not because I get bored but with my tech tree already mostly unlocked, it’s nice to have a goal to achieve - plus I have almost 100 wagers, many of which I have no ability to complete because I don’t F with Ground games (if I did I’d be one of those nasty CAS players everyone loves).

When I was grinding hard down the British air tree. The aircraft I wanted to be playing were further down the line, so I inadvertently skipped most of the naval line. But now I have the entire British tree researched, I’ve been having fun playing those naval aircraft

I find that playing the battle pass challenges and other stuff helps with the boredom. It’s less of a mindless grind and more of a mini goal you are trying to achieve, while on the side you are still doing the grind. :)

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I’m in somewhat of a opposite situation as I’m going through WT withdrawal. Crazy right. House is being redone so no access to the PS5.

That being said I created a camo lineup with the sole purpose being to unlock all the camo schemes, that are not locked behind GEs, for that vehicle. Working my way up 1 tier at a time across almost all nations.

Made the rookie mistake of rushing up to top tier for the US and not fully spading some vehicles. Created another lineup for the purpose of spading those vehicles I skipped.

I play ground but I guess the same could be done for air and naval.

Unistall, delete your account and seek help then.

Dont play Planes over rank 6 and you will enyoj, play ground lower ranks, also really fun

Find a squadron of people you enjoy hanging out with and play the game with them. That’s what keeps me from getting bored

I got around 900 matches with MiG-23ML to grind the Soviet Tech Tree, it’s massive but when I learned about the plane and started to get more efficient with it, the boring farm was way less stressful.

But if you don’t enjoy the plane you are grinding, set a daily amount of RP to research and then switch to another planes of the same tech tree, perhaps play some AB too for relief.

This isn’t quite about boredom, it’s about burnout, but it should have some useful tips.

Nah bro u went to far in it

Yep. I recently spaded Kongou and Haruna together, and between the two of them I got ~115,000 RP towards Mutsu for just… playing the game and spading two vehicles.


As a not especially useful but interesting fun fact, spading bonuses are not affected by Rank efficiency; that ~115,000 would also have been ~115,000 towards Rank I ships, had I been researching them.

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Yeah, that fact is rather lovely and I was surprsied by that fact. It felt very… ungaijin-like

This game is supposed to be fun?
I thought the grind IS the game, since the actual game is just playing the same game over and over again…