How to make war thunder fun again?

Recently, War Thunder has lost its meaning for me. I switched BRs—I went down to 5.0—but I’ve never really liked those lower BRs because they feel a bit slow. Now I’m at 11.0, and it’s not as fun as I expected. I’m stuck in a stock grind. So, I dropped to 9.0, where dogfights are more intense, but I’ve been using the same plane for almost a year now.

I’ve looked into getting the MiG-21, but I can’t afford it because I’m short on Silver Lions. Since then, I’ve been farming “cleanly,” without buying Silver Lions, but I don’t really feel motivated to earn them anymore. Farming feels like a battle that’s lost its purpose. I play, win a few matches, lose some, and I’m stuck in this endless loop.

I’ve even taken breaks, but that hasn’t helped—in fact, it’s made it worse. I’ve decided not to spend money to buy Silver Lions because I don’t want to feel “pressured” into it. I’d feel bad if I bought them because it would mean I couldn’t solve this issue on my own, “the clean way.”

What do you guys do in this situation?

When I found myself bored of RB, at nearly any BR. I switched to playing Air Sim.

It has a steep learning curve and if SLs are a bit of a bottle neck, I do advice caution. But the gameplay is vastly superior to RB at the moment. Additionally, the actually viable gameplay for ground attackers, opens an entire new class of aircraft to try out and new ways of running the multirole/fighter-bombers.

Once you get the hang of it, I dont think many return to RB after playing Sim

As for grinding SL. Naval is always a good bet.


Play another nation :)
You’ll like it. My recommendation is Spitfires, they’re quite fun.
Oh and for SL, if you can afford it, Premium Account is a must.

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As an addition to this. The Spitfire MK.IIa Venture I is an excellent Premium for only £5

Save your lions, and keep saving them… Don’t immediately purchase the next vehicle as you then have to pay crew training, and the first modifications and such, and you’ll then need to pay repairs.

Save double what you need to get the next vehicle, and crew it. So if 700k to buy and crew it, then save 1.4m.

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Don’t play to grind, play to have fun. Despite how sad a state the M26 Standard-Pershing is, being 6.7 and all, with the T-26E5 Pershing+ being the same with more armor, I have a positive KDR with a bit of gameplay. 17 Frags to 13 Deaths.

Try to look for ways to improve yourself, not only with skills, but more importantly, decision-making. If you don’t die early game much, your SL situation should improve.

I assume you prefer the mig21bis at 11.0, think of the mig21 as f104s with r60 that is able to turn for a bit.

I have a talisman on one and the best/most efficient way I found to play it is to bring 4 r60 and 2 napalm bombs. It’s rare that I had the opportunity to fire 4 r60 with high PK, so 4 is usually enough.

The plan is to bomb the farthest base possible because you will be outrun by mig23s and f104 bombing bases. Go left or middle map initially and then turn for the base. Drop your payload, climb and turn back.

After climbing try to keep yourself unspotted and fast. The plan is to go back to base but you will come across multiple targets, you should get 1-3 kills often. Then come back to base and repeat.

Even if your team dies, you will have enough actions and time spent in the match to net you good SL.

Pro-tip, if you want to use r60s in head-ons do the following:

1- Don’t point your nose straight at the enemy, keep flying at like 20º offset while he comes straight to you. Smart people will preflare if they see you coming straight to the head-on.

2- Pull hard for the head-on last minute and KEEP pulling away but launch your r60 at him from 500m or so.

I am not sure why this works so often, maybe they are zoom-tunneled into you while leading their guns because you kept turning away and they didn’t see the missile.

This game doesn’t not require you to buy SL. But you should indeed use the May sale to buy a year or 6 months of premium. At about 3$ a month, this is the best investment possible in the game. It offers the greatest return for the buck.

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The game is balanced towards players with a premium account. Without it it’s pretty hard to play high tiers. So if you can afford it, buy it when there’s a 50% off sale (e.g. anniversary sale in November or Christmas sale in December). Since you’re on PC you can also grind for event vehicles and sell them on the Market, assuming you have the time (and patience) to obtain the coupons.

Alternatively, buy a decent premium. Planes like the Ju 288, Wyvern and A-6E TRAM are some of my best SL printers. especially on sim.

Speaking of sim, Morvran_ made a pretty good suggestion. Give sim a try. Once you get into SB there’s no reason to play RB, especially attackers and multirole jets. Base bombing is a viable objective and decently profitable even without premium, as long as you don’t crash too often. The MiG-21bis is actually a very fun plane in sim.

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