How To Make Tank Football Better

I like the tank football, but I can’t help feeling it is a little bit half-hearted to provide the basics for the game to play, but lacks a few things, not “big” things, that could be improved for the next time. I am no one special so I would think others may think the same. Don’t get this post wrong, I’m not saying it’s shit or nothing because I actually like playing it, just, it could do with a few improvements to make the experience a lot better and more “fun”.

I will start with a little list of things I have thought of, but if others that enjoy it can also think of things, maybe some of the feedback might make it to the developers.

  1. When a game is played, we get absolutely “nothing” for our “time and effort” except for “actions” to collect tank football prizes. The least we should get is Silver Lions for our actions. Without some sort of other incentive to play, why would players bother when they have their Battle Pass and challenges to work on which helps them progress through the game, whereas, tank football gives you “nothing”.

  2. Give us football air horns to blast when we see a good pass or when a goal is scored. That would add a bit more fun for celebrations.

  3. When a goal is scored, the ball disappears like a glitter bomb, that’s it??? I think fireworks streaming from the goal mouth and goal posts would be a lot better aesthetically.

  4. My personal oppinion for the handling of the tanks could be improved slightly. We need a little more traction for making turns. At the moment it looks like everyone just rips up a handbrake (parking brake for yanks). That just causes you to miss a lot of tackles and maybe saving goals.

  5. My last one I shall post, just one of many ideas, is with the “Tigers” decal. I have the Tigers decal, but I, and probably others, would also like the “Dragons” decal.

Can we have sensible ideas please guys? I’d like the football to get better and more fun, and not made silly and childish.

What do you all think? How could it be made better?

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I believe that the players on whichever team wins should get 1.5x or 2.0x actions.

That’s an idea. I actually hate the thought of all the time and effort I need to put in just to get the M551 camo. The prizes are still a long old slog to grind.

I got the M551 skin last year. It wasn’t too hard, I simply set a daily goal, I think it was 40 actions.

I think the football game is good and enjoy playing. All it needs is some fine tuning to make it a bit more fun and an incentive to persuade more players to play.