How to get better

yeah I suffer from skill issue (ground battles, nation usa and germany)

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I can’t exactly give tips on “how to get good”, but you do get better the more you play, as you are more used to playing certain vehicles. For ground battles it’s quite important to pay attention to sound and corners (especially for urban maps). Also, if you play a “box” like vehicle, like for example the Tiger 1, it’s best to angle it, so you don’t have your front plate facing your enemy directly, but instead move a little to the right or left to angle the armour a little bit, so that you can achieve more protection. (Do note that this won’t really work for higher tiers, where things like apfsds or heatfs are a thing)

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Since you play the USA, you’ll be familiar with the MG Port weakspots. It’s scummy, but if an enemy is about to shoot you and you’re on your reload, press A and D to “Wiggle” your tank, and that will make it considerably harder to hit that weakspot.

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angle the Shermans (except for the m4a1’s )

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The usual suspects

Don’t beat yourself up, we were all bad with everything when we started.

Things that help are good music, a good warm up and gaming session. I feel many just expect to be instantly ‘on’ when they jump on the game, it commonly takes a few matches to really get into a groove.

Also, squad… Always, as much as you can. Ask in your matches if anyone wants to squad, they’re the best as they’ll match your BR in the first place, and they’re actively playing.

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  1. Play more, the only way to truly get better at the game
  2. Use headphones
  3. Check every corner
  4. Learn your tank and your enemy’s
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play russia (w and left click + braindead gameplay)

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Honestly learn your br before moving on to the next. I completed usa and working on germany and soviet right now. I was in a hurry to get through the tech tree and didnt spend much time learning before moving on. This leads to a lot of frustration.

So stay at one tier for a while learning the tactics , the map and where to hit and most importantly when not to shoot. You may see someone coming head on and think you should shoot but if your round isnt going to do anything your just asking to be killed. Even shooting the tracks sometimes does nothing ( mainly lower brs ) This will also help you save up SL before moving onto the next tier so you wont be short on sl and being able to train crew.

Expert your tank crews on your favorite tanks, prioritize reload speed, and field repair.

Watch replays. If you see someone having a good match watch the server replay. see how they are moving around the map and where they are shooting. This will help get you pointed in the right direction.

Time. The more you play the more you will get into a groove that works for you. Don’t look at you tube videos of CC’s and think they play like that every match. Most of them have been playing for 5 to 8 years so they know the maps inside and out and where to expect people but they have bad games just like everyone else.

When playing a map and going to attack the cap point keep mental notes of what you are doing. When the spawns flip sides, attack yourself. What i mean is you know what route your going to take to the cap from the other side, now what would you need to do to intercept you from getting there, then do that. Guaranteed you will run into someone taking close if not the same route you would take.

Just play for fun. All the best players have been playing for many years and have learned all of this

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In addition to that, learn the maps. Learn where people go, and where you can shoot from. And take every death as a lesson on what can be done and what could be done differently.

Don’t drive over the crest of hills, cause it makes you more visible. Go around and use the low ground to conceal yourself. Your vehicle blends in much more with the surrounding grass than the sky. It’s probably the number one way I spot people.

In military terms this is called “dead space”, an area that cannot be observed or covered by direct-fire systems within the sector of fire. Make good use of dead space.

third person counters this dramastically… and grass is optional, you can just turn it off.

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Great, frist step, realise you have an issue.

Now you should narrow it down a bit… RB or AB? What BR? (i know its 5.0-5.7 GRB from you statcard)

  1. Set your settings right, graphic and sound. You´ll find plenty videos about that on yt.
  2. Join a Clan and play with “better” people
  3. Use your advantages, Sherman has a stabi, your enemy usually dont, so u will win a peak a boo fight most of the time or you can set you gun super quick for a shot after moving out of cover or even drive slow and still hit your target.
  4. learn the Stats of your enemy, of you know how fast or how good armored your enemy is, you can use that to your advantage. Example, tiger 1 reloads longer then sherman, sherman has no armor no matter how he angels, is-2 has a cupola that is a insta death weakspot, t34-85 has only a few gun depression, jagttiger is helpless when tracked, small puma is super fast but killable by 50cal… and so on… knowledge is king.
  5. map knowledge, learn your fav spots or watch the server replays where other good perfoming players drove.
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I’m not talking about grass in gunner sight. I’m talking about people who drive on the top of the hill showing their whole tank. Anyone with good aim will just slap you.

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The problem is, we are in a game and giving someone the advice to never driver over a ridgleline is really not helping anyone.

I get your point, but there is just to much wrong with that advice.

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Being good is rather a subjective thing, you can be utterly awesome but if your team folds you will lose.
It is better to spend your time, effort and possibly any money on something more beneficial than a computer game with very little reward in all areas.
As it stands the game is too flawed to be good in any realistic measure, the BR system is broken, the matchmaking is an utter shambles, the RNG is game breaking and the cheating endemic.
You will most probably end up annoyed, frustrated and hating the game, just play it as casual shoot em up and do not worry about all the fluff.
If you only enjoy the game when you are the ace, then you will have a lot of disappointment, if you cannot disconnect and just enjoy it casually.

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