How to fix the br of the ju288C

That post you replied to has no claim, only opinion.
So what you’re saying is you’re going to ignore all War Thunder players and only trust yourself.
Edited it since I forgot to after the correction was posted.

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If you looked a little lower you’ll realize that I accepted the correction from someone. Just I forgot to edit the original post to match that correction.

Me, on July 28th: “My bad. Thanks for the correction, Wick.”


Stop with the insults.
Wick & I are correct that the Ju-288 can carry 2500kg bombs.
Stop insulting us just cause a post was mistakenly unedited after a correction was presented.
I’m not infallible, no one is.

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never started.

wick is, you were wrong before you tried to hide your false claim by edit

there is no “us”

Wick & I: The Ju-288 can carry 2500kg bombs.
We cannot be both correct and incorrect as we’re stating the same thing.

Just cause past someone made a mistake doesn’t mean their current beliefs are wrong.

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did you not say it cannot carry them? (without proof)
yes you did whether you hid the statement or not.
that is what im saying.
end of story

Which is irrelevant to current time.
Bringing up old stuff that doesn’t matter today is purely provocative.

Sorry for not having my OG post edited day of correction.
And I’m sorry for my involvement in this misunderstanding.

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i said this because you said this:
that was my comment.
to which you replied:

but at the time of my commenting, it DID have a claim.
hence my comment was justified

And I said you were wrong to focus on that dated post because a correction was made and accepted.
I didn’t mean to upset you, and I hope you didn’t mean to upset me.


Proposal to bury contention accepted.


Wait, is there anyone who could explain how JU288 could carry 2*2500kg bombs?

The 2500kg bombs aren’t significantly larger than the 1800s and can fit in the bomb bay as illustrated by Wick’s posted documentation.

From my pov your question is already answered very early and just above in this thread.

The much more important question is:

Why is gaijin so reluctant and unwilling to provide the players this bomb load?

I mean from a pure customer perspective it simply seems that gaijin is happy to sell the Ju 288 like sliced bread but is unwilling to provide these pilots and bomber pilots in general with the full potential of their planes.

This doesn’t look like a specific German issue as a lot of other planes from other nations have similar issues with hidden or intended nerfs, obstacles or like here without max bomb load.

Just look at the missing Mosquito with the 4.000 lb bomb. The plane is there - just give the FB Mossie a glas nose, a bomb sight and the bomb.
Or look at the TNT loadout nerf of some Tu-2s by replacing existing bombs with late war versions of these bombs, ofc with much lesser TNT output. Or the B-18B/T-18B loadout nerf, or the increasing inaccuracy when using gunners, etc, etc…

It is just much more obvious for German planes as a hell of them have amazing or very interesting (ofc not implemented) load outs, like heavy bombs, air dropped mines or cluster bombs with anti tank bomblets (SD 4 HL).

I mean if i would be playing Ground RB for Germany ( i do not) i would ask for an update of all the planes able to carry SC 2.500s (suggested multiple times) just like the plain Ju 88. Or to implement the Fw 190 G-8 model - able to carry a SC 1800 - even with the destruction radius nerfed some years ago this might be a nice addition, and the G is technically seen just a modified A-8/F-8.

Don’t get me wrong, a good flown Ju 288 or B-18B is a pain to kill if they are high and fast, but this is another story…

The G8 would be a great plane in general and equal to the p47 in bombload because it could carry 2x 250kg boms on the wings and 1 500 kg bomb on the fuselage
Sad it’s not ingame
Sad aswell that the german p47 has no bombs. Would increase sales and would complete my ultimate premium deck at 4.3

You might want to check this:

  • Fw 190 G-8: The G-8 was based on the Fw 190 A-8. The G-8 used the same “bubble” canopy as the F-8, and was fitted with underwing ETC 503 racks that could carry either bombs or drop tanks. Two primary Rüstsätze kits were also seen on the F-8. The R4 kit was a planned refit for the GM 1 engine boost system, but never made it into production, and the R5 kit replaced the ETC 503 racks with two ETC 50 or 71 racks. Due to the similarities with the F-8, the G-8 was only in production for a short amount of time. Some Gs were field modified to carry 1,000 kg (2,210 lb), 1,600 kg (3,530 lb) and 1,800 kg (3,970 b) bombs. When this was done, the landing gear was slightly improved by enhancing the oleo struts and using reinforced tires.


I saw it on the old forum suggestion that it could carry 2x250kg bombs on the wings

These informations could be wrong though but having a figher with a wide range of bombs would be cool. The new custom loadouts on the F8 and stuka d5 are great and hope more ww2 planes get these

As I know there are still many planes loadouts that have been nerfed, Just like you said.

I think Gaijin wants some balance( maybe just they believe it is balanced), if these planes have their real load-outs, The BR would be higher( I have submitted the JU88’s loadout issue, it can carry at least 4*500kg or 2 1000kg bombs,but they refused and made it as a suggestion as before, however, this suggestion has passed for a few years)

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Nonetheless, both the 15mm and 20mm maintain the same fire rate of 700 rounds/min. While the proyectile drop must be quite lower for the 15mm (AP-I), you must also take into account variations in the game’s damage modeling. To achieve the same damage output as a single 20mm Minengeschoß shell, you probably would need to land a few more 15mm hits.
In any case, no turret is equipped with the MG 151/15 in the game, so its practical performance remains uncertain.

Bombing enemy bases rarely has a significant impact on the outcome of a match, making it a relatively inconsequential element in player competition where fairness holds more importance. Currently, the bomb load merely dictates the reward value, with the only drawback being that it tends to incentivize a lazy or lackluster play style.

However, armament…