How to fix the br of the ju288C

I’d rather see people help their team by playing useful planes. Bomber players in Air RB are a mass-obsession version of people taking L3/33 to top tier, except it’s not even funny.

So you just hate bombers? got it…

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Its the main purpose of the bomber to bomb bases… If you want the bombers to be more usefull you need to increase the impact of base destruction on enemy’s ticket bleed, but you dont want that too.

Actually I dont know what you want.
You don’t want that bombers get more effective turrets
You dont want that bombing bases has more impact on victory
You want the bombers to be slower and weaker when they are on enemy team, but also more effective in supporting your fighter while on your team…
You hate to have bombers on your team and to hunt them when they are on the enemy team. But at the same time you deny that you hate bombers in general…

I will just call it Schroedingers Bomber. The bomber is either too fast and deadly or too useless depending on which side of the battle it plays. Hence while you are waiting in the Matchmaker Queue the bomber must be considered both, too weak and and too strong at the same time.

The only solution for that problem is apparently to further nerf bombers, because then people will stop playing them and the “problem” will disappear.


Ju-288C was nerfed into the ground over 2 years ago.
Congrats on getting what you wished for.
It use to be 5.7 and you could go 780kph in it.
You were once AS FAST as F-4Us.
Today you’re about as fast as the average 4.7 - 5.0 fighter aircraft.


Bombers help you to win the match by bombing bases. It is a very simple concept. Why is it so difficult to understand?
Why don’t you support the bombers better by equiping some bombs under your fighter and help them bombing bases? This is basically what you are demanding from bombers when you believe that they should help you hunting enemy planes

You know there were times when your victory in Air RB depended in the number of bombers on your team. But that people didnt like either and this is why bombing bases has smuch a small impact on ticket bleed.


I never care for my team. And most players don’t care as well. Just got shot down, cause I was about to reach & bomb a base first :) Team mates are usually more competition than anything else, stealing kills and bases…often TK when they badly want something you’re about to get.

The problem with L3/33 that it is a WW2 tank Hight Tier Battles. Yes you could give it a laser gun and star trek shields, but that would be just silly.

The problems with bombers, that you describe, are the nerfs in the recent years. Revert them and bombers will again become the planes that decide battles just as it used to be. One could add rewards for defending bombers, higher victory bonuses for destruction of bases, bonuses for destroying bombers with bombs on board etc.

The only other solution I see is to remove them from the game and to refund the players.

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And what if you want to play a bomber? Because you want to play that aircraft. Like id love to fly a lancaster not because of SLs, not because “i want an easy time” but because i want to fly that aircraft.

Damage model overhauls would help, but dismissing bombers as “pointless” beenfits no one.


I think this is your core message. That’s your pov of how the game should work - the same freedom you have to express your opinion is valid for other people with deviating opinions.

The game mode above certain BRs was deliberately changed by gaijin to make bombers useless as soon as they face respawning bases. Your pov regarding bombers fitting into the meta is from a TDM pov correct - but there are still some guys out there which see Air RB at mid tier prop BRs as a PvP and PvE mix.

Following your logic there is no need for bases or ground targets at all. So why blaming designated bomber players for changing the game play by gaijin?

Ihmo it makes no sense to discuss your pov with players - most of your observations are technically correct, but you should consider to have this discussion with gaijin - as they created this mess and can change it if they want - players can’t do anything.

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Well, in fact there isn’t and I see little to no benefit in those. They are either absolutely broken (match ended with 0 airkills after 4m? No problem?) or just create an annoyance.
The thing is - ground attacking in Air RB requires very little skill and is generally boring as hell and since tonks now extinguish twice, with MG152/20 it’s not even worth trying.
The only aspect od Air RB that actually requires some effort is air to air combat.

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So you dont want bombers to be removed from the game?

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So you are just salty and toxic, my first impression was correct.
Why don’t you just play DCS with you your best fighter aces friends and high five each other after each match. Same result as banning all players who are not playing the way you deem to be the correct way, just without all the stress.


So now you are not only the one who defines what the right play style is but also the one who defines what salty and toxic means… amazing!

If they ever tell my story, let them say I walked with giants. Let them say I lived in the time of Loofah, the inventer of Schroedinger Bombers and the one and only authority on how WarThunder should be played.


“We do not punish players for playing the game in their manner.” - Slight paraphrase of Gaijin staff.

No one will get banned for playing bombers.
And banning players for doing that is a dumb idea.


not mentioning that you can ban whole top tier at that point, since nearly every jet carries bombs at that point and i have seen to many F14, Mig 29, F16 bomb bases when they are better as fighters

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Pretty much this. Its done at every BR bracket in WT. Be it Wyvern hordes suicide blitzing bases, B-25 prems, or any plane. Especially top tier with Phantoms, F-16, F-14 has base busters left and right. Killing bases is pretty much a standard for grinding or spasing planes.

Never understood why 288 is supposed to be special. Especially in jet matches it takes 3 mins max and all bases are bombed, the the base busters are shot down and out of the match. No one cares about team efford or winning the match. Only the bases matter and they even shot down each other to get them first.

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My experience with bombers was a bit different, depending on ranks and BRs.
With He111 H-3 and at times H-6, I tend to encounter little opposition and I suppose bombing bases is more or less a milk run, with a bit of:
stay on target fiddling. Maybe some AAA fire evading, especially after returning to base.

But anything higher than that, there’s bound to be some folks who try to chase you. So, The usual course of action is to turn your 6 towards them and get into the gunner view. This makes the battle last longer, which can annoy the fighter pilot, not mentioning that it makes the affair at least somewhat challenging.
On the other hand, the chasing fighter at least delays the bomber.

But, to a degree, I have to agree that bombers are in an odd place in pure Air RB.
And even in GRB they can be a bit cumbersome, as there are better planes suited for such roles.

in your opinion

Dude, comments like this reminds me of why I play bombers.
The antagonism and disrespect.
Gonna keep using my Soviet Mig-29 as a bomber since I only care about the German one as a fighter anyway.


Not everyone who plays a bomber, plays it for “profit” or “an easy time”

If i want those, i take my premium spitfire. 2 or 3 kills in that is fricking easy. If i want a challenge at the same BR, i take a lancaster. You make barely any sl in that and there is nothing more rewarding or satisfying than getting a bus like that to a target to drop bombs.

Just because you have some kind of personal vendetta against bombers, does not mean everyone else does.

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