How to dogfight EF

Only this is your chance of winning
You win by ±1º/sec, but in sustained turn the EF can can spin on its own axis 3 times before you turn around

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Its underperforming and needs buffs lol

Areas Underperforming:

  • Radar
  • IRST
  • DASS
  • Laodout
  • Max Speed

The rest of the FM is pretty perfect actually given game limitations


Forcing the fight to go ultra low and slow might help. But the the F-16C is heavier and so less likely to do well. F-16A I think you could win if you managed that. But at speed and at a reasonable alt, theres probably not a vast amount you can do unless they make a mistake

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Yeah I now have 2 new strategies to beat the Eurofighter.
I will now never take them 1 on 1 if I have the chose. The first strategy is play with my squad in a sim battle (2 F16C’s and 1 F15E) and double team the eurofighter till the f15E kills it slow and high with the Aim120 or one of the F16Cs catch it.(We actually did this this weekend and made multiple EF leave lol and it’s a accurate Air Patrol so it’s more fun)
I’ll slow down super slow stall out with them way out in front after we merge and 9M them when they hit the peak of their turn.

Their radars are also incredibly weak at the moment. Almost blind half the time. So if you attack from different alts and angles as well, it is unlikely to be able to return fire quickly, or even at all and defending against AMRAAMs from different directions is not easy.

Yeah i’ve tried that but something else always gets me at that altitude. It is going to be pretty unbalanced until sim maps are made way bigger so aircraft with superior radar can actually fly high and fire.

Yeah, though hopefully the typhoon isn’t stuck with a bad radar for ages. Should be the best mechanical radar in game

Yeah are any of them practicaly better than the US radars? I’ve heard they are good on paper but the US’s are just better for TWS at least.

IRL, Captor-M should massively outperform any other mechanical radar, but in game it just doesnt. Its hugely buggy at the moment and then ontop of that is missing major features like Priority track which basically gives the radar AESA-like TWS tracking


Is every jets radar in game mechanical? I thought a lot of modernized US fighters like the F-16C and F15E were electronic.

F-16C, F-15C and F-15E all have correct radars but did recieve AESA later in life. So could be upgraded in the future

Currently in game Kfir C10 and Rafale have AESA and the Su-34 has PESA. Im guessing we’ll see more AESA/PESA radars next update, maybe on the F-18 but maybe also on the F-2

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That’s good, but I thought the F15E’s radar just got upgraded. Unless they already put the upgraded version in game.
I was looking it up and i’m not sure if every AESA radar can do this but the new one on the F15E can track an ground threat and guide munitions while locking and firing on an air threat.

That is most AESA radars but also something the CAPTOR-M can do.

But unlikely to ever be something modeled in game

Why wouldn’t a mechanical radar always be less than an electronic?

the only way to beatem is with energy trapping i use the F15E for that it works fine

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not really assuming by what you mean mechanical as analog and digital there both have there advantages

What do you mean?

Like less as in less powerful less range less capability’s.

not neccsarily hold on

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Oh ik analog radars lol, him saying mechanical got me confused because it made me think he was talking about something different.