How long will Aim120 be dominant?

its not entirely wrong they gaijin sited us goverment as a secondary source

So list them then , come on lad, don’t yap random stuff because someone said something that didn’t fit your own personal belief, if you believe there no evidence to show that that Gaijin themself didn’t use Rus propaganda to balance Rus vehicle but to the exact opposite then show us (Somehow still got the worst Air in the game even after the Su30 introduction lmao).

Su30 is very fun even if it’s not technically the best imo

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But talking competitively the Su30 is not that great of an addition to the Rus top tier air. Rus air is still pretty damn bad even after it get added

I think it’s fine. Not being the best is fine. It’s a competitive jet easily with the top fighters even if it isn’t the best.

good example

But it is not to buff the russian tho ? Sure it is gaijin doing double standard and stuff but where my russian biased ? The ground is mediocre at best , sure T90M/80BVM got decent armour but that about it. Pantsir is a good SPAA but it is basically show the playerbase that every nation need one good SPAA to balance it out. Air is still piss damn horrible , R-77-1 is a decent addition yet the FM got shiet on even further. Still don’t understand where the Russian Propaganda is. Shouldn’t propaganda make you look good and enemy look bad ? This is surely the case of Gaijin being two face bastard using their source but why is the Russian still mid ? Where my propaganda about it ?

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T90M and T80 series suck IRL gaijin unrealistically buffing them is crazy

So , where the Russian propaganda that tell you that Gaijin balanced russian vehicle based on russian propaganda ? That what I want not some cherry picking Gaijin doing two face stuff about their source. Where my T90M best tank in the world ? Why best tank only have armour going for it ? Why the mobility bad the top shell is mid and the air is also mid

there survivability is way better than it should be wheres abrams DU armor isnt in any nato vehicle the Autoloader should not act like a spall liner not to mention russian autoloaders have 10 second reloads

I think this is just an issue with TWS+ being a buggy mess and less so anything wrong with the Aim-120s

ok but this is air discussion

if russians dominate ground they deserve to get curbstomped in air works same for US

use your EYES? its bigger,heavier and uses THE SAME FINS
its impossible.

not how any of that works lol

So you have no real claim here?

america ground is bad compared to other countries US air is great russian ground is great air is bad not considered (cas)

it is a real claim, you are just blind.

You pretend you know how this stuff works but your only evidence for something being wrong is your guesses based on fin parameters

dude, its impossible for them to turn the same if one is longer,heavier (even if it has more thrust) but with the SAME COPY & PASTE fins

Prove it, that all of these details are true as well. You just yapping saying its wrong is surface level guessing