How long does it take for a pending topic to get approved?

A topic I composed has been pending for almost a month and yet to be aproved. Is this normal? My previous ones only took a week or 2 to get aproved. Any tips will be appreciated, thanks.

All of my topics sat “pending” for nearly two months, then were sent into archives, they were never approved

Darn, scary. I hope mine doesnt get that “archived” treatment.

If you’re worried about them, message a suggestion moderator, that’s how I found out about their “archive”

Cool, thanks mate.


11 of my suggestions were rejected after more than a week

I mean, a week is quite fast. The approvals are done by volunteers you know.
I’ve had one approved in under a week, but also ones that took over 27 days.
Sometimes the suggestion moderators pass 20 posts in a week, sometimes they pas over 150 a week. It’s a voluntary force after all.


I did not know that.
I believed that they were gainjin´s workers.
They rejected my post for:

-Lack of backround
-Use of IA

Only the Community Managers are on GJN’s payroll.

I presume a lack of primary and/or secondairy sources?

Well, yes, of course you should write your own pieces!

Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement is a reaaly bad practice. I suggest re-writing your history and other segments in these cases, where you refer correctly to your sources.

Don’t forget to use plagiarism checkers! Then you might be able to spot pieces of your text that might not have been reffered to a source correctly:

Of course you can also use internal plagiarism checkers if you are in a university, but definitely try these free ones.

Please read the following post throughly!: