How is this fair in any way?

Automatic IRCCM SAM that can’t engage drones before drones can engage it. Can’t engage helicopters that stay low until like 3/2kms. Can’t engage planes front aspect until like 5/6kms.

It’s not as good automatic IRCCM SAM sounds, trust me.

I think we need more decompression, as I wouldn’t put it down to 11.0 simply because it’s that much better than Strelas.

Speaking of decompression, I think it’s kind of silly that a 10.7 jet can basically bully 11.3 AAs as they have access to 65Ds.

Okay? What is the range again.

Stay low? How, I’ve been shot down in the Ka-50 by these things from 4 km out at 1.5km.

Literally good at hitting anything below Mach 1 under 6-7 km, which is GOOD Range.

I’ve been shot down in under .5 km low to the ground spamming flares in the Su-24

I’ve seen people in Tornados dodge Pantsirs from 10km out after they reacted to it’s launch only a couple of seconds later, so I think most other SAMs are comically easy to avoid at those ranges.
Yes, HQ might have that 15km range, but I doubt you’ll effectively hit anything past 7-8km, so your range is more or less the same as 81’s in most cases.

You are right, HQ is definitely better against the drone spam.

IIRC I’ve hit a 65D-slinging Harrier from a 7km front aspect launch. He was actively dodging it as well, we traded kills though.

the only plane at that tier with agm65ds is the at10 and it has no targeting pod and dosnt have the speed to use them past 10km very well so its not that big of a threat to most AA. the A6 is far more dangerous in my opinion

thats kinda the problem tho he had to get within that close range for you to kill him and he still killed you cause you cant target missiles

10km is more than enough to deal with these kinds of AAs though.

I think it’s more that he misplayed than it’s the plane’s limitation.
He is perfectly able to launch it at 8-9km and at that point both SAMs stop working.
Type 81’s missile guides itself, so it’s much harder to defeat it by hugging the ground.

Also, what’s the point of AAs if you’re relegated to shooting down ordnance with basically 0 reward ?

yeah thats kinda what i mean the 81 is super easy to counter at 11.3 and even at 11.0 it would still be outranged by a lot of cas at the br

Not a lot. 100% outranging only agm65D/G carriers, helicopters and drones. Oh, and few cas can drop laser guided bombs from space (remind me, how long the bomb will fall. 30s? 40s?). But since the type is strong against cas without guided weapons, it is weak against other ones. As most spaa is, as it should be (not like s1).

No, lol. All SPAA should be capable of countering all aircraft and their munitions effectively on all BRs. Ground battles should not be dominated by planes. CAS is fun for noone and is only a tool for revenge or for easy kills. CAS should be easily countered and require skill, none of which is the case currently.

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For less than 100 spawn points? Never.

OP has over 100 games in Pantsir, none in TOR-M1 and none in HQ17. Is this real life?

Now, I’ve never used Type81. It can be as bad as you say. But I can tell you’ve never used TOR by discounting just how bad its downsides are. The fact you haven’t mentioned the smoke trails that can be seen from the ISS, led me to believe you’re judging TOR/HQ without ever using them. Not to mention the downsides that arrise from upward firing, and so on. If TOR/HQ was so good, you’d see more of them. A CAS player would have to be damn blind to ever be worried about a TOR/HQ.

I’m confused why you haven’t strengthened your argument by comparing the Type81 to the SPAA you actually know and use, the Pantsir. I also expected to see that you’ve been suffering in the Type81, but it’s quite the opposite. So world’s smallest violin for your non-suffering in the Type81. Show me a TOR/HQ player with similar winrate and k/d/k/b.


Given the insane disparity in utility, kill potential, ease of use?

Make that “Always.”

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How are you using that ease?
Oh, I’m sorry, you haven’t played with either of them, so in your opinion it’s just gossip.

I’ve played plenty of aircraft and it’s far easier with RB controls to point towards a roof or press spacebar to hit a slow moving, big tank (that also has to stop and sit in place to take shot, and has to stop and sit in place to take a cap) than it is for something on the ground to hit a fast moving tiny speck ~1km out.

An F4U-4, even with bombs, can easily maintain 350-400 km/h at 1 km altitude.

Brother, you haven’t used a single SPAA with missiles, what are you doing? In a topic where OP has already shown sheer ignorance towards the TOR-M1 - While China is just copping a stray for little reasoning, you’re coming here talking about an F4U-4.

Oh yeah, with 0.1 K/D with the mentioned planes, you tell me how easy they are to use.

0.1KD where?

Aircraft stats I have learned to use and have spaded

Planes I don’t CAS with as I don’t have ground America.

Planes I actually use for CAS (9K is almost pure GRB plane outside of time I took to spade it.)

Bf109F4 is a mixed bag. However, it hands out free multi-kills if you drop a bomb near a point.

It’s far easier to use a plane with RB controls than a gun SPAA.


Thunderskill is all you need to link to if you want to show that you’ve never actually used F4U to CAS, for future reference.