How is the su-22 a 11.3 plane?

How does the su-22 deserve 11.3? It barely breaks mach 1 on the deck, fly’s like a brick, and has terrible stock missiles. How is this above the mig-21bis? The mig21bis has better flight performance, is faster, and the same missiles (6x r60m). This is by far the worst plane I have ever played and deserves to be 11.0 at most.


The same way how the A7-K is 11.3 and its an even bigger shitbrick.

But I guess Gaijin forgott that these planes even exists. And they couldn’t care less.

Do you fly it with wings in full sweep? Do you run auto sweep? If yes to the first, try 0% sweep for turn/scissor fight, if no for the second, please do, it’s the only effective way for VGW airframes.

If I focus trying to a-t-a, I get 3-5 kills in a decent match, I’ve even beat out a MiG-23 in a dogfight. Also, it’s R-60MK’s, not R-60M’s for the AllAspects, unless you are stock. I fully spaded it in ≈150 matches.

Su-22 is by no means broken, but it’s not bad at all.

Im not trying to use this plane for arb, I’m trying to use it for cas in grb. The problem isn’t dogfighting, it is that it does not deserve to be 11.3, look at the mig21bis like I said in the post, it is better in every way yet is 0.3 br lower.

MiG-21 BIS doesn’t get KH-29L’s, or a pile or 500kg bombs, so that is an entirely null argument.

And how are those useful in arb?

You just said:

So, why are you making a liars paradox with your situation?


Sorry, what I meant by that is I just want to grind out the mods for cas in grb not know how to dogfight in it.

And you can do the same in the mig21bis. The point is that this thing really shouldn’t be above the mig21bis in arb.

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That’s a horrendous idea, always spade in ARB then use the mods in GRB if that’s your main goal.

Yes; and the MiG-21BIS is a fighter with limited strike capabilities, while the Su-22 is capable of carrying 6x R-60MK’s (21BIS only has 6x R-60M’s, and nothing else) and still have 4 pylons left for ground attack ordnance; That’s why. If I wanted to, I can carry 6x R-60MK’s, 2x KH-29’s, and 2x S-25O’s. The MiG-21BIS doesn’t have near the abilities of this.

Just do what I did, play ARB, unlock ZB-500’s, carry them on the far outboard and inboard pylons with R-60MK’s decked on their only pylons. Drop two a base, and bug out.

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Su-22 is a flying bus, so in ARB it’s used as a base bomber and for that task it lacks speed and is beaten by other strike aircraft at that BR. It’s DF capabilities are pretty limited by the fact it’s a flying bus and that it has only 12 flares.

In GRB at 10.3 it’s also meh at best. You might think that it’s pretty good with laser guided munitions, until you learn it has godawful targeting system that really limits it’s effective range. CAS that has TV guided stuff will easily outrange Su-22’s capabilities.

Sorry again, I meant that I just worded it weirdly.

Well, most of my games I get there and all the bases are already bombed.

But is ground attack useful in arb? All this does is weigh you down and ground attacking does not help the team unless you are getting a significant amount of ground targets.

I’m assuming based off what you’ve said that you play a lot of arb, but do you really believe that the ability to kill ground targets with more than your gun should increase the br? Of course it can help the team but most of the time killing air targets will be much more impactful.

I’m playing Germany so I don’t really get anything better.

Yet I have easily outperformed MiG-23 and MiG-21’s, as well as few others in dogfights.

Yes, they are useful, I’d take a load of (S-8KO(R-60MK(R-60MK 2x(ZB-500|ZB-500)R-60MK 2x)R-60MK)S-8KO)

If you can’t hit a base, hit ground targets or convoys with rockets until someone engages or a base respawns then go and hit it.

Yes, I hate the hordes of F-104 TAF’s that bomb, as well as the MiG-23ML, both newbie premiums usually, take all the bases, which sucks, but it is what it is most of the time.

Depends on the situation, it can win a match on tickets if they are airfield camping or constantly running.

Useful as in it helps your team win the game

Yes, they help drain tickets and give you SL and RP for doing so.

Just because you killed some doesn’t mean plane itself is capable of dogfighting actually fighters lol.

If you wanna test that in a bit I’d be more than happy.

And what will our test gonna prove ?

That the Su-22 can be used to fight effectively.