How is Ground RB fun to anyone? Another pointless rant, enjoy

Ok, so my last battle:
I spawn in Avenger, go towards one of caps. There I meet russian gun truck which tanks AP shell and kills me.
OK, I spawn in Firefly, drive towards enemy, 300m out of spawn I get 1-shot by Yak-9K.
I spawn again in Firefly, I drive for some time, I get 1-shot by Yak-9K.
Yak 9K at this point has 8 kills. So fun.

Other battle, I shoot ASU-57 with the 75mm cannon of my Churchill Mark VII, which I actually enjoy as I can spot the enemies by looking for gun smoke and flash - as seeing anything with my mid-low settings tends to be hard, but ULQ is just so horrible looking, and a lot of people are bushed up and know all the hiding spots I don’t.
Shell penetrates front. Goes through the ammo, a crewman, then through more ammo.
2nd shell - same story.
Shell that is basically going full speed, just got hotter punching through some metal, punches through shells and absolutely nothing.
And this happens so damn often.
Meanwhile APHE with 29g of TNT absolutely demolishes ammunition left and right. Why the hell? Direct hit from a shell going almost full speed should reliably do something.

I am bad at Ground RB. I don’t know maps.
But how am I supposed to enjoy and learn the mode, when basically every match it’s just pain.
I play USA, I’m doing good, I score 8 kills, I look around - my team is gone. I ended the match with 14 kills and it was just pure pain.
I play Germany, I’m doing OK, my team is not doing anything.
Wow, nice armor on that Churchill VII, too bad the tank deals 0 damage whatsoever, so I oftentimes need to hit my enemy an absurd amount of times, as the only thing I can penetrate on T-34-42 are small parts of its turret. The only real fun is fighting Germany. Which sometimes happens.
But most of the time it’s soviets and then Yak-9K comes.

My preferred playstyle is to do anything and then jump into Typhoon Mk1b, bomb some guy and shoot down planes for the rest of the match. I’m damn good at it, I’m enjoying it. The problem is - I’m not platying tanks. If I die, I switch to Spitfire Mk IX F and I just continue flying, bombing and shooting.

If the most fun part of tank mode is flying planes, I think there’s something seriously wrong with it. And seeing how popular CAS is, quite a few people play the game the same way I do. Only they are kinda bad at flying planes.


Right now one of the most OP planes in the game.


This game is pain ¯\(°_o)/¯

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Tanks are nothing more than bucks that are getting killed for hunter’s pleasure.

Always bring a few HE shells for rats like that.

APHE is just a ridiculous shell type that acts like a sphere of death. Gaijin tried to rework it, but sadly, people who are getting handheld by it stopped that from happening.

UK’s low/mid tier is rough for anyone that doesn’t know how/where to shoot their enemies, so if you’re bad at aiming I think Germany might be the best option.

Sad reality of GRB, where tanks are 2nd class citizens.


I disagree. I could argue the exact opposite that prop plane battles are boring as hell. theres no strategy at all… and you have to wait forever just to get a couple kills. its extremely hard to get a bunch of kills and not die… in tank battles if you play the same br you get to know all the tanks and there weaknesses and you can identify them even by there sound. I can go on and on but all im saying is give it some time and dont jump from br to br

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I’m not that bad at aiming, it turns out. But when I have to shoot 2 tiny spots on turret cheeks of KV-1S, while being shot by 3 people and fighting my own flamethrower carriage which is trying to spin me around, which is a typical Churchill VII story, it gets kinda difficult.
I kill German tanks just fine.
But god damn, facing Soviets is pure pain.
What is funny, is I got shot 71 times before dying while fighting 1 vs 3 Soviet (KV-1 L11, KV-1S, T-34-43) and a Stuart.
My team got absolutely demolished and while I was basically closer to our spawn than enemy’s, nobody was able to come help me for 3 minutes straight.
Holding on vs 4 enemies and surviving 70 shots is kinda fun.
NOT receiving any help despite asking for it for few minutes is not.
Most of that time I was repairing my cannon, so I only landed a few penetrating hits that usually killed 1 guy. But I’m not complaining about this part, as the fact I got shot from below 50m 71 times before I died shows this tank is 1 tough cookie and there has to be some way to kill it :P

I mean, I’m scoring around 3 player kills on average when I’m trying in Air RB.
These kills require good positioning, setup,well timed dodges, good aiming (with German guns you often have to predict when the enemy will be in 1s or more (it doesn’t sound like much, but remember, we’re talking about highly agile machines moving at 150m/s) and energy management.
Since there’s no hiding, no bushes and no “map knowledge”, it’s all skill and plane knowledge based. Which is awesome, as I can stop playing for a few months and get back on track within few games.

In Air RB if you have a decent teammate, the game is like a dream. If you don’t - tough luck, but it’s still fun most of the time and sometimes I can win vs 5-6 enemies -that’s assuming I start with good energy and they are not vastly outperforming me, and I’m not even talking about BnZ and maintaining energy advantage, I once went from 2 vs 9 (my teammate soon died) to 1 v 3, that’s when I ran out of ammo and died, but it was fun basically constant dogfighting. In another game we won 2 vs 8 vs mostly jets. Fun times, but the other guy turned out to be top 100 Air RB kills per battle player too.

In Ground RB? Most of the time if team is bad, you can’t really leave spawn, get strafed all the time, and the very second you’re out, you’re getting shot from several directions. Map control is extremely important. Bad team means the difficulty grows exponentialy.
In Air RB even with bad team I can oftentimes have a few fun moments before it all ends. And when I die - it’s over, no respawning only to get clobbered by Yak-9K.

Bring more HE, also the ASU-57 can be machine gunned pretty easily from the front.

As for Churchill VII, it’s one of my favorite tanks in game. So much fun when I wanna turn my brain off and club. You’re not wrong about the gun being shit though. It’s the same 75mm round on the M3 used by the Sherman, just with the HE filling removed. Keep in mind the M3 is pretty mediocre at 4.0 so a worse version at 4.7 is… pretty bad.

Personally I bring 30+ shells because the survivability genuinely doesn’t matter. The crew and ammo are so close to one another on the Churchill series that getting penned is almost always a death anyway. But as I said the armor is amazing, it’s basically a low tier Maus. You’ll run into a surprisingly high amount of enemies that simply cannot penetrate you, like at all.

Just remember to angle and not get flanked too hard. Everything up to a Pz IV cannot kill you frontallly if you angle.

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Yet another CAS thread…

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Yeah Churchill isn’t really known for it’s mega pen, but I guess it makes it up with armor.

Indeed, GRB is extremely susceptible to bad teams and lemming mentality. Many teams simply won’t be able to recover after 90% of players went to the same spot on the map, giving other 95% of the map to enemies for free.

Having no SBMM can really be felt in GRB.

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Yeah, thats not just you, 4.0 and the related BR ranges are absolutely abysmal to play with yak9’s flying around. I just avoid it

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My problem is not killing ASU. My problem is, I struck a ton of ammo each time and it did absolutely nothing. I get it, solid shot has less spall, but god damn, if something gets hit directly, it should be kinda gone.

And yeah, I consider Churchill itself very fun, despite the gun. But the mode overal feels like pain.

I’ve hit like 4 pieces of small ammo on a maus only for it to do nothing lol. IG the gunner just somehow extinguished it or smth

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yea its a cromwell, no armour

most op plane in the game rn

so its skill? bushed tanks are still pretty clear most the time.

solid shot hasn’t got enough spall, you need to directly hit modules and not rely on spall like with APHE noob tanks

APHE massively overperforms in game, any talk of a change is torches and pitchforks from commie and german mains

its a lot of pain until you learn maps. after that its certain levels of pain depending on BR and nation

Gaijin didn’t do britain too well. we are working on bug reporting everything dw

use the armour to get close, track and barrel torture enemies as often as you can

there’s a reason why a lot of us want a ground only mode

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Change USA for Germany.

?? huh

Well, for the players that do develop the necessary skills and map knowledge, Playing GRB is quite rewarding.

You said the main opposition for APHE changes are Soviets and German players and im telling you behind soviets the second most interested group in keep APHE op are the USA players because they have behind soviets the most OP APHE in the game.
Germany rely more in pen with less explosive filler so the APHE nerf dont suposse a big nerf for his main rounds.

lmao totally dude

Of course Evil germany is behind everything!!!

Let me tell you something. One fo the most repeated arguments against the APHE nerf was tanks like Tiger would be OP “cuz coupola shot are not longer possible”.