How has the J35 XS survived it's nerf?

Can anyone who has the J35 XS fill me in on how it’s handling now compared to how it was before the nerf? And should I pick it up when the Summer Sale comes around(if it’s on sale)?

Howdy! I personally don’t have the J35 XS, however I want to point out that the summer sale has already come and past this year. The next major sales would be the birthday sale and winter one. The birthday one has more GE vehicles on sale generally and the winter one generally has more packs. I know that’s when I’m going to pick up the F-20 and/or mig-21 and that new AMX.

Hope that helps kinda :)

It bleeds speed much more than before and doesnt turn as hard. It doesnt gain speed back very fast either and 10.7 has a lot of uptiers to 11.3 so you end up fighting radar missiles without a rwr and with the multipath nerf you are free food if you arent super cautious of everything. Its alright but i dont believe its worth it after the change unless you are a fan of the Draken.

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No, you’re thinking of the May sale. Summer sale runs from last few days of June through early July.

Not quite. There was a sale back in April, but no summer sale yet.

Huh ok

Same to you @Apollo_1641

then not reading

Currently, it is playable, but nothing great. F-5s will be a difficult opponent to turn with, and radar missiles are a constant hazard, but the missiles work and you can flare off a few missiles.

Its fine, but not great.