How does the chinese ground tech tree compare to the others?

Both in low tier as well as top tier. Are they any good ? How do they compare to the 3 main nations in war thunder ?

Rank I-IV is entirely copy/paste, but it gets good after that.

China as like some other minor nations have some hidden gems you can get if you grind the entirety of it. Such like the well talked WZ305, undoubtedly a best ZSU-57-2 with infinitely better anti-air capabilities in a comfortable BR at the moment, it got some vehicles that you can bring along.

On top tier, it does use the same design you’ll find in most Soviet MBTs, but with a plus: Better ERA in some vehicles and undoubtedly better mobility, in trade of armor placement. Chinese top tier MBTs have a huge weak spot in its lower glacis.

At mid tier you’ll find the earliest APDS FS ammunition available on the ZTS63 and laser rangefinder at 7.7. At lower tiers China doesn’t have nothing unique to give to the player, I would suggest you skip it if possible. At higher Bars up to 9.0 range you’ll find some good selection of both MBTs and light tanks, which, I would recommend you try.

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