How do you counter Su-34 in sim battles?

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theres no way to counter Su-34 from any nato-side SAM. you can try with plane, but most likely it still would be able to take few of tanks


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You do the same thing that Soviets are forced to do against F-16C: Spawn an aircraft.


people need to understand that at the start of the match, sim ground battles are more similar to the battlefield series. if the enemy has an attack chopper/jet, they will dominate until the allies have an equivalent


After add EF2000 and Rafale, it is pretty easy to shoot down SU34, the only issue is you can’t stop them before they launch kh38, but now NATO has similar CAS loadouts

cant see “NATO” loaouts with 6xFnF IR missiles, that will outrange enemy SAMs and fly mach1+


Have you forgotten AASM?

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now read what i wrote.

that will outrange enemy SAMs and fly mach1+

Quite a difference in speed don’t you think? Also you can’t lock KH-38 xD


Don’t you know AASM is outrange enemy sams and has very long power section?

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it cant, due of gaijin’'s 20km tgp limit, which also affects hammers.

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But it still outrange from spaa, and it is much harder to lock on the remain body

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KH-38 impossible to lock xd

Soviet side has Pantsir, with 20km range.


Im sorry, if you get killed from any SPAA at it MAXIMUM range is just skill issue at this point… or you’re a drone who doesnt know that “maneuvering” is (at least drones get the excuse of non existing maneuverability)


well, discission is about ability to outrange by weapons

Hammers can be launched at mach 1.4 they are faster than mach 1 despite what the statcard says, the rafale can also get up to alt and speed much faster than the Su-34 so shooting it down with CAP isnt reliable

They very much can outrange SPAA the pantsir like all SACLOS will struggle to hit anything going faster than mach 1 at high alt so shooting down a rafale before it launches its hammers isnt possible unless you get lucky or the guy just doesn’t maneuver at all

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bombs by themself cant.

If you get killed by any SPAA at its max range you’re actually a bot who shouldnt be playing youd have to intentionally be flying in a straight line at low speed