How could our team lose this battle?

To you Sir I salute. I have multiple videos where we run the timer! 1 battle they game ticker robbed of us of the win, it was 58 : 53 and we hit the last ground unit at :01 Sec left in game, but it says we LOSE!?

Why would every game end in a draw? Ive played hundreds of games that have ended well before the timer ran out and with all the opposition players dead. I doubt ive played a game that lasted more than 15 minutes. Why does it matter if a team wins or draws? Id rather have a draw than, again, lose a game where we were winning by a country mile.

Every game would end in a draw, because you said you wanted to remove the system that keeps track of who is winning. So… you wouldn’t know who won… because you got rid of the system that tracks that (tickets). So every game would be a draw, by definition.

What? The only games that would end in a draw would be those games which ran out of time. If team A kills all team B before the timer runs out then team A wins. If team B kills all of team A before the timer runs out then team B wins. Heck you could even have it that if team A holds all 3 caps, has 6 players left and team B only has 3 players left and the ti.e runs out team A is the winner. Im just fed up holding all 3 caps, having more players than the other team but the other team wins because my team runs out of tickets. There is little point to a game where the objective is to take and hold the caps, achieve that objective, yet still lose the game. Madness.

Tickets are what keep track of kills, you removed tickets. So no, that’s still a draw.

You may say “That’s stupid and obviously you’d still track kills” to which I would say “Great! You just recognized one reason why it’s obvious that tickets are important, and stupid to get rid of them”

a game where the objective is to take and hold the caps

That’s NOT the objective, the objective is to “hold caps and/or kill enemies, interchangeably in certain proportions”

I played MOH:AA for years. It didn’t require “tickets” to know that when all players on the enemy side were dead, or the objectives held, the game was won. If the timer ran out and the OBJ wasn’t met, or there were players still alive on both sides, it was a draw. Simple.

So it counted the number of kills and the number of objectives met, and kept track of it in a number variable.

I have no idea why you think that “keeping track of kills and objective in a number that happens to not be referred to as tickets” is awesome, while “keeping track of kills and objective in a number that happens to be labeled tickets” is terrible.

If the timer ran out and the OBJ wasn’t met, or there were players still alive on both sides, it was a draw. Simple.

That is also true, right now, as we speak, in War Thunder…

You shouldn’t need an algorithm to figure out a team holding all objectives and with more team mates alive than the opposition, and with loads of time left on the clock shouldn’t lose, judt because… But you are right, i give in to your all knowing superior knowledge. No one else knows any better, just like gaijin who never get it wrong. . …ever…

You shouldn’t need an algorithm

a team holding all objectives and with more team mates alive than the opposition, and with loads of time left on the clock shouldn’t lose

You literally just defined a section of an algorithm. (Need some more detail, because you only defined a case there you should NOT lose, and didn’t clearly enough lay out when you DO lose, but this would be part of the algorithm)

If(Red team holds all caps AND time > 0 AND Red team size > Blue team size) THEN (continue game to next game tick)