How can I see my unlocked and spaded vehicle totals now

After the Profile update I cannot see seem to find it anywhere? I always used this to track my progress of each nation I was working on playing


You can still see it in War Thunder Assistant mobile app. Hit ‘Statisitcs’ (3 bar icon) one the main page and scroll down a bit.

Quick reminder that it is not allowed to talk about moderation and/or moderated messages.

Is there a way to see it without having to download an app and check on my phone. Seems a bit silly to have to grab my phone to check game progress while I am in the game. Maybe that’s helpful for console players I don’t know but I don’t tend to be checking my phone while playing games and if I need to look something up I can just alt tab like any other pc player. Thanks for your time and reply I don’t post much at all here so the answer was very much appreciated.


There is actually. You can search your nick here and it will display it.

I didn’t know about this, I just tried it.

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Oh thanks that will work!!

So ‘they’ have removed the ability to easily look at players in your game’s lobby with a click or 2? And now you have to leave the game, fire up another website, type in the name and scroll down (or do the same on an app), all the while playing the game?

I don’t think there is anything to be proud about with that ‘development’…


I dont understand why they have removed it.
After having unlocked everything on multiple nations I ever wanted, I started to spade all my vehiceles in one nation for the “flex”.
Now they have removed one of my last goals from the game.
Very cool

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Why not have it as a showcase on your profile.
You can select multiple options there and I wouldt appreciate if spaded vehiceles where a option there.

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Hopefully they re add this back in soon. It was nice and easy now its gone and replaced with a favourite tank lol