The grind from rank 1 to 3 was fine but at rank 4 it just starts to get frustrating for me. I dont have a premium account nor do i have premium tanks so this kinda makes it worse i think. I dont mind the game having lengthy grinds its just that i find it ridiculously boring real quick
Some times I just pick a random tank, put in the first and slowest gear and let the wind carry me where it wants. As @magikvfx mentioned, don’t play with the grind in mind, but with the entertain as a objective. Don’t play the same vehicle over again, take a time, choose some other goofy vehicle you have and lead it, don’t keep yourself in the same-same after every match.
Any playlists you got to suggest to me ive honestly ran down so many albums
And btw is there like a place where i can meet to play with people in ground rb through discord ? Picking up a couple friends along the way through the grind would make it real nice since none of my irl friends play this game
It all depends on which nation you’re playing, some nations have good vehicles and some funnies at specific BRs, United Kingdom as example, has some interesting vehicles at the 8.3, Falcon, Warrior, Swingfire and Striker are a good combo and it’s a good balance between vehicles focused on the gameplay entertainment and vehicles focused on the gameplay performance.
Also, you can try different game modes, some times I just go to simulator ground battles to not having to deal with the chaos compared to arcade ground battles and realistic ground battles, if you want a more chill type of gameplay, simulator ground battles is the deal. Replying to the last question: Yes, I don’t recommend you play it, but if you’re willing to, go for it.
Content Creator’s Discord servers are a good option, as they’re not Squadron-focused servers, you’ll find people that just want to play the game with someone else.
i want the AMX 30B but rank III france is horrible (from my opinion its just because of the amount of shermans) i wish rank III was less about USA tanks and varients and more about france, if USA gets a tank all nations get the tank
Rank III has lots of unique french only vehicles. The ARL-44, EBR 1951, TPK 6.41 that’s a lineup I run and for SPAA, AMX 14 DCA 40 (thing slices and dices air and ground).
Change that: Participate in an event (one coming on today!) and sell the vehicle. (but understand what it takes to sell it before you start)
From the income, buy premium during the May sale. That way, you have an immediate reason to grind score with rank 3 vehicles and a perspective in the future.
tier IV is where you get stuck without premium on every nation. Try going for squadron vehicles if you want to try hightier, its the best method, not too grindy just around 15-20k clean RP a day gives you full squadron reward per 3 days, be patient and in 3-4 months you’ll get any wished high tier tank or plane (my current tactic)
The game (and most freemium games) will increase grind over time to incentivate players to buy premium or GE. It will alwyas work like this…
BUT i also agree the grind becomes too tough at higher tiers…i would prefer a second entry point like naval…easy grind on early WW2 and early 50s…and tough grind on late WW2 and modern…
ANd i guess all players would want an EASIER overall grind…
Me personally, i gave up on modern vehicles…i will have some premiums/ just to test it…but i have my fun on early to late WW2…luckily it is where i actually like to play…
It’s simple you just don’t grind. Play what you have and enjoy playing and play until you get bored of a lineup/vehicle then switch to another wash rinse repeat or instead of grinding vehicles spend time grinding out crew skills/ace crew on your favorite vehicles. Also playing in a squad with some friends helps.
I generally only grind when I have exp. boosters on and then you’re focus is on gaining on exp in that vehicle not so much winning. Beyond that you might want to hang back and play support, taking what the game gives you rather that trying too hard. I have a lot of factions and vehicles to play so I’m in no rush but this might not be the case for you. Good luck.
If you are looking for fun in a game, then I am afraid to say you are playing the wrong game. There is no fun in Warthunder, unless you classify fun as being stomped all over or you stomping over others.
It is a poor gaming experience, unless you like totally random outcomes that fill you with a sense of wonder, excitement and achievement ( or lack of) every time you play then sticking playing Warthunder without changing your mindset and aspirations will only leave you annoyed, frustrated and sorely disappointed.