How can I get a refund? Bought 2 jets but honestly ain’t really happy with them.
you cant refund vehicles in this game
considering you played them, you are not going to get one.
i hope you were not expecting pay 2 win.
theres no refunds in this game unfortunately
As i understand it you can’t get a refund if you have played them in matches.
But i am uncertain so i recommend contacting support for a definitive answer:
What jets did you buy? I think you get good advice on how to use them from the forum is you ask.
No refund comrade.
Refund no good blyat.
lol su22 and f20 bro is cooked
im looking at your name… and im just going to say " Dang bro thats tough. "
Premium/Pack vehicles let you test drive prior to purchase. Each vehicle also has many topics, discussions, and comments about its worth and usability both on here and Reddit. You also have plenty of CC (YouTube) who make videos on what premium/pack vehicles are worth the purchase in the games current state. Use this as a learning experience. If it helps, these vehicles are not static and are subject to change - as are your tastes and needs, so you may not use them now but may in the future.