How can an EC-665 Tiger-UHT

How can an EC-665 Tiger-UHT lock on a missile without a hack when he can’t see you in the pictures below? And these pictures were taken off the War Thunders replay server. And if they’re not enough you can watch the video here

targeting cameras are bugged on replay mode, its been like that for a long time idk if they fixed it(looks like not since it still looks the same on your video). But on replays it will never aim at the real position. Never trust heli cameras on replay mode.


Will they need to Fix this on War Thunders replay server then and on top of That too? To lock on to a Target with that EC-665 Tiger you must have the hole Target in the Sights to Lock on to the target that is a seeker missile that locks on targets but in order to do that you have to lock on to target with the sights! Then the missile flies on its own to the target. And the whole time I watched the replay video he couldn’t see a clear picture of my tank he saw the corner or the side of my Tank but he couldn’t get a clear picture of it to lock onto it ’ because there was a building in front of me and one to the side of my tank so how did he do it then?

Pro top, use the Sensor view, much better and there you can see each misisle lock point

As i said, he probably WAS aiming at you but since the replay cameras are bugged you wont see it like that, try with any other replay and you will find same issues on helicopters

But there’s only one problem with that in this helicopter when you lock on a target that way you have to see the whole target in the site. In other words, he didn’t see my entire tank the only thing he saw was the side of my tank, that’s it and the sensor cannot lock on to just the side of the tank it has to be the whole thing I know I have this helicopter in in my collection! And I cannot lock on to just the side of the tank