Hornet’s Sting Pre-orders: Type 74 Red Star, Harrier T.10

HAH WHAT? Omg your bias has reached a new peak. You really just said Aim 9L < R-60 (not M)

Harrier Gr1 has SRAAM not 9Ls


So, normal (pre-order )pack price as usual… but somehow this time losing value by not getting a pre-order camo…
Best regards,


substantially worse than its closest counterparts of that BR. missing BOL, has worse guns than the NA and nowhere near the same PGMs as the NA too

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so dont claim anything has anything

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the T.10 gets 9Ls


Unless of course my un-biased eyes cannot see

Do I now? If anything I “glaze” italy

here is the aircraft in question in relation to sraam.

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Even BR for BR, its got the WORST IR signature, acting like an afterburing engine you CANT turn off. Itll be one of the worst performers at its BR. The yak38 can do ok if played like a J7D, but its also pretty rough to play. However its not gimped for no reason like the T.10,which is much much worse then its usa counterpart at currently the same br


I love how y’all are in a tisy, because I said the yak-38 is one of if not the worst premiums in the game 😂

But hey, everything British is under preforming xyz.

That’s why the Shir 2 never went up in br and is still a monster. I think I’ve dropped 4-5 nukes in it, it’s slow but everything else is outstanding

I’m sure it’ll do just fine. I’ve seen people do quite well in the NA version.

In terms of yak-38 gameplay, you usually can’t outrun anyone, you can’t out turn anything, you get to sling an r-60 if someone isn’t looking, that’s really about it

youre missing the point. Its a counterpart to the NA, but notably worse in every way but is the same BR. it probably will do ok but its unfair to have it in the same spot unless they change the artificial knecappings

I could say the same thing about the Su-30sm, it’s getting nerfed into the ground….

Funnily enough, the USA is the only thing getting buffed. And was already good on the 1st dev server

Its worse then the NA by EVERY STANDARD

We are not making this up, i have the NA its pretty good, and its in a decent spot BECAUSE its got the GAU12, ans 180 countermeasures. You take away EVEN MORE with the flight performance and you now have the T.10
Why should we have to put up wirh worse when were paying the same and playing the same br.


so you get the point but are arrogant to it?

I get your point, but what are you going to do? I love the arrogant argument. Why is the Brit main defense to begin name calling and the like?

You’re missing my point that the aircraft isn’t that bad either.