Yup, all the Phimat pod allows you to do is keep chaff whilst running maximum internal flares. But 95% of the threats will be IR
Can someone explain to me this Japanese tank with communist red stars all over it?
OPFOR camoflauges for exercises, like M1 KVT and F-5 “Aggressor” skin.
I mean its not got 9M or ASRAAM for balance decisions too so this is quite literally the worse state the T10 could ever be added in
going to be just like the chaff pods on the tornado. an absolute waste of a slot
Literally the most bare it can be for air to air battles.
So Japanese tank acting like foreign country tank during exercises? Or is there any specific anime reference as well?
Lmao it’s not weaker than a Yak-38
To appease the “great Morvran_” I suggest we give is small yield nuclear weapons.
I mean its not meant to be an air to air fighter. its a strike bomber mainly but it would be nice to be able to defend yourself even a little
me looking for where anyone mentioned the yak 38
Yes, but in a game about killing other people in battles, i would love to be able to do that in air… with its accurate Kit?
Its accurate kit would be identical to GR7. but add ASRAAM into the loadouts
If the yak was accurate you would eject on VTOL takeoff lol.
To 13.7 it goes if it gets amraam
not amraam aSraam.
the fact that it takes off without killing its pilot is already inaccurate with that thing so don’t count it
At least on the tornado you’ll be facing BVR threats
If your going to bring up the whole 1:1 with real life thing, the Brit’s didn’t do so hot haha.
I still can’t see why you all are complaining and groaning. It’s 11.3! It’s a good plane with good armament.
I’ll probably end up getting it, it has a MAW, and so what it has 60cms, when the MiG-23 was 11.3 and has only 12 I made it work.
Lower BR than the Harrier Gr1 with better missiles
At least on the Yak you can’t do anything. 40+ sec turn time, even if you try to adjust the thruster nozzles.