Announcement for the update release date? Daily quota post.
Eh, it lies from what I understand. Those times I’m doing biplane arcade, there’s far better outcomes just ignoring the circle and shooting based on gut feeling
That lead indicator does not account for angular velocity/“sliding” of the target nor the momentum of the plane itself shooting. It just takes the current position of the target, their TAS and the velocity of your rounds and tells you where to shoot assuming neither party were under acceleration of any sort.
Currently Naval Arcade has the same system. The lead indicator is actually even bigger and more noticeable than in Air Arcade:
I don’t see a reason for disabling this system and replacing it with fully automatic aiming. This green circle already says: “shoot here!”. I understand why it’s there (it’s Arcade game mode after all), but I think aiming in Naval Arcade is already too simple with this indicator. With automatic aiming you won’t even have to move your mouse left or right, everything will be done automatically for you. Even a monkey will be an effective player thanks to this new automatic aiming system. It will be all about holding the left mouse button, you don’t even have to look at the screen anymore. How long can you hold down the left mouse button before it becomes completely boring? It’s just a terrible change, nothing good about it.
Well, the Naval lead indicator does not account for direction changes until it updates, and even then, it becomes inaccurate if the enemy continues to change their direction, so in that sense they are similar. They don’t tell you a 100% reliable spot to shoot at; only an orientation.
Screens with MFD updated.
Yeah, I mixed up some stuff that led me to misunderstanding the change and its effects- and not because I don’t play Naval or whatever you were trying to push to invalidate my misplaced opinion, just a honest confusion anyone is bound to experience at least once in their lives and which merely needed a bit of a clear up xD.
Yep, this change is not good for Arcade. Gladfully, as point still stands, Realistic will still be there for those of us who want to play a role in actually aiming. It will take a bit to get used to the slower pace, but it’s not a bad thing, I guess. Plus no torpedo spam, that will be refreshing.
After all, the only reason why I switched from RB to AB was the queue times. The faster pacing felt kinda nice for Battleships, but what are we gonna do.
Anything to show the aircraft had a feature on their HUD / HMD.
when we ll see ChangeLog of this ? we want to release this quick :)
There is a reason why Naval Arcade is much more popular than Naval Realistic. There are reasons why so many players don’t want to play Naval Realistic.
I’m sure that after this aiming change some players will switch to Naval Realistic, because they won’t be able to stand the new aiming in Naval Arcade. But I still think more players will just quit Naval Arcade. I’m not going to switch to Naval Realistic, because I have more fun in faster game modes. I also prefer the current Naval Arcade aiming, where I don’t have to scroll the mouse wheel whole the time (this constant scrolling is just too annoying for me). I will probably stop playing Naval altogether.
There is a high chance that a few months after this change there will be barely any players left in Naval Arcade. So maybe the queue times for Naval Realistic won’t be shorter than they are now, but at least they will finally be shorter than in Naval Arcade ;).
Funnily enough, I actually use the Realistic mode in Arcade just to be able to scroll the mouse wheel, hahah.
Most of the times, ships are not moving in a perfectly parallel trajectory; rather, they tend to be moving closer or further away, so I find accounting and leading the distance to be important to hit.
For example; if a ship is coming towards me, and is 9.90 km away, by the time my shells arrive, he will be 9.70 km away; so I hate not being able to set the distance manually, because it leads the shells to land on an outdated range destination.
Maybe that’s why I don’t perceive RB and AB so different.
Does that mean we can expect to see this symbology added to the cockpit HUDs and/or MFDs if they have it in RB?
Last time I checked, neither the Typhoon, Tornado F3 or Sea Harrier FA2 had any noticable symbology when in cockpit despite having the lead indicator
But… you can do that with Arcade aiming. You just have to move your mouse up or down, like in WoW and basically any other similar Naval game.
For example:
Now I aim my guns at 4.86 km:
Now I aim my guns at 4.56 km:
Now I aim my guns at 5.16 km:
The problem is, there is no tutorial about this, so many new players don’t know how to do this. The only Naval tutorial we have in the game shows you how to shoot at standing targets.
This is crazy, great addition hopefully my stingers will be able to intercept KH-38MTs now!
you want an improvement? more regular vehicles instead of the hoards of premium/irregular vehicles for the update! There’s barely anything new (lol french coastal that no-one will play for obvious reasons) in term of regular vehicles, and as for the ww2 stuff, it’s even worse. There are massive gaps in most tech trees (outside the big three obviously) but hey, hoards of premium ruining even more the game, yay…
Nah, Stalinium is highly resistant to thermal heating. You’ll be able to lock onto AGM-65s, AASM, PGMs, Brimstones, etc with incredible ease, but KH-38s, good luck
half /s
will we ever get to see roof MG’s get proper shell ejection animations? (especially the ma duece)
lets see how Stalinium stands up to a 3 pound block of pure thermite XD, for reference thermite burns at 4500 F and needs a specific kind of fire extinguisher to put out ( using the wrong extinguisher will literally cause it to explode and become worse)
Imagine if flares used thermite XD
stalinum vs stalin who wins?
The trouble with this is, due to parallax, the amount to move the mouse to increase range per pixel is significantly different than to lower it. If you’re not also watching the numbers, pure Kentucky-windage aimoff for elevation can be problematic because it’s not intuitive.
This is also a problem with mouse-wheel aimoff using RB aiming (one click down moves on the surface plane less than one click up) but I find it still lends to greater precision than minor mouse movements will. I use RB aiming with mousewheel in both AB and RB currently and it works quite well. (Don’t know yet what I’ll do in AB with the new rules until I try it.)
I do wonder if this is how they’re going to eventually model surface-radar control of guns in RB as well, when that comes. It would be logical. There’s not much more they could do than they do already in RB to make people’s fire more accurate other than that. So you might not be getting away from this by jumping to RB in the end, either.
We’ll see if there’s a change to audience patterns by mode, if statshark does another all-player pull in a few months as promised. Here’s current stats, for reference, should that day come.