High Tier - Top Tier SPAA Mega List

Update #17


  • ZSU Matador (Germany)
  • Starburst AVL (UK)
  • ZA-HVM (UK - South Africa)
  • Cactus Crotale (UK - South Africa)
  • Ch’ŏnma-216 (2013) (North Korea)

Get ready, as soon

If you need anything about that, feel free to ask. Afterall the RU suggestion is basically mine, tho it is outdated a little

I had to dig through a few threads to find your Ru Suggestion.

While a little unrelated to ZA, do you have any additional info on the Starburst AVL? That’s what im calling it, couldn’t find a more proper name.

I had to dig through the the Stormer HVM Thread just for the singular picture. I couldn’t find any additional info on it. Looks like a Stormer Chassis with Starburst missiles instead of Star-streaks.

Also good suggestions, keep up the work. Hopefully you will single handily get a SAVH-3 vehicle in the game.

Sure, give me some time.

Unironically is easier to find info on North Korean and Iranian SPAAs then the Starburst AVL.

No name, no pictures, not mentions no nuffin. I could look on Google longer, but decided to use estimations from the single picture.

You mean this?


It never got any official name, full name during its development is: “Shorts self-propelled Starburst system”.
In its basis its identical to Stormer HVM. Same sight, ADAD, 8 ready missiles, but 12 stored.
Do you need Starburst data?

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Starburst has readily available info, all I really needed was missiles carried and missile range. Which I already had Starburst’s range and you have missile count. Thanks for that.

Is any of information publicly available on a website? I would like to link to a website if possible. If not I guess I have to use your last reply has the only information source.

I do not know about any site, im using books.



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Thank you, I like to have links to any information sources to credit them and so others can view the sources and correct me or look up the info themselves.

While it may not have an official designation im giving it the name S-SPSS or Starburst AVL.

Ok, here is the front page of what i sent you.


You could also call is Stormer Starburst.

personally, S-SPSS or Starburst AVL sound cooler

But on technical grounds, Stormer Starburst would most accurate.

Update #18


  • XM-246 (US)
  • RU 222 (Germany)
  • Pantsir-SA (Russia)
  • Stormer Thunderbolt (UK)
  • Rapier Bradley (US & UK)

@DevilO6 Would you happen to have any more information on Rapier Bradley or Stormer Thunderbolt? Aside from knowing CFAM lost to Starstreaks, I can’t find much on CFAM/Thunderbolt besides pictures.

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Ill look

Update #19


Armado BDL (UK - India)
Trishul SAM (UK - India)
CA1 PRTL Cheetah Forum Suggestion (France - BeNeLux)
Charrua II (Brazil)
A-72 SAM (Vietnam)

Update #20 Part 1


Changed formatting
Unified missile names and ranges

Added missile specifications -
Caliber: mm (Booster mm)
Launch Mass: kg
Max Speed: Mach # (m/s)
Guidance Type:
Max Overload: G
Guidance Time: s
Warhead: kg

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While using SAHV-3 on Cactus, they are in SACLOS mode. They were installed with a transporter to work with command sent by Cactus, and to even work with Osa, but that went nowhere.

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Once I’m done updating everything to the new format, I can go back and change specific missiles on specific vehicles.

Turns out I think there is a character limit for posts.

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Yep there is a character limit.
You can either try to make it more concise or use your next comment post to continue (if theres someones comment in the way you can ask them to delete)

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