High Tier - Top Tier SPAA Mega List

Update #12


  • LuDun 2000 (China)
  • MSHORAD (Sweden)
  • Updated 9-Dey (Iran)
  • Panus R600 AA (Thailand)

Its getting significantly harder to find SPAA systems that aren’t either…

- Geopard counterparts
- Long Range Systems (70+ km)
- An APC with Stinger/Mistrals/Igla on the top/back.

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PRTL GWI “cheetah” with 2x2 stingers…


China also have the crotale system in the name of HQ7 which could be added. HQ7 in Bangladesh does come with an unspecified radar.


This will also be a very fun vehicle to spot.




I think with a lot of these systems is that they are not a single vehicle but multiple which still needs working out with how the moving controls are done


It’s not really good (or practical) or useful in WT but drop the M6 Linebacker

I feel like more practical than the ones with multiple vehicles, the only problem will be it might get classed as IFV not SPAA so spawn point will be painful. But never the less it could come as a modification for a Bradley to have different missiles.

Honestly imo Spain should’ve been the Italian subtree, it complements Italy very well in both equipment and feel and also wouldn’t introduce the random Warsaw Pact-equipment into Italy (confusing for sim)
Also they both (on separate ventures) stuffed a 105 into an M47 and that’s funny


M47E2 on display in front of the Infantry Academy of Toledo

It could be a mod for the current M3A3 (unless they decide to put an M3A2 instead) but the M6 was based on the M2A2 ODS so. it could work I guess but it isn’t for the cav-scout Bradley’s we have

Was about to say it, it’s been passed to the devs as well

And I’d say it’s extremely practical- while it lacks a radar or IRST it’s got plenty of Stingers and otherwise is basically a TOW-less M3A3

“Minor Axis” is overall not a bad idea, Romania + Hungary can provide an interesting subtree, although Gaijin is adding too much copypaste and not unique modifications. Spain by itself can hardly bring something new to the tree imo, idea of Spain + Brazil is interesting, but I doubt we will ever get it, Brazil is probably reserved for smth like LATAM TT.

Yeah, but the way I would have done it (personally) would be Minor Axis and Spain in Italy until ~Rank V, at which point when the Cold War eras start it becomes just Spain and Minor Axis nations get their own tree, starting at Rank V and requiring a nation (Italy or USSR in this case) like Israel; as most (if not all) minor axis nations would become part of the Warsaw Pact

There is also a improved linebacker called the Bradley SHORAD “Linebacker 2” Demonstrator (*Linebacker 2 is not an official name and this is the only video/article I can find that mentions this name most refer to it as Bradley SHORAD or SHORAD Bradley)

I do not know if any work continued since 2017 as there isn’t alot of information on this vehicle online.

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AESA radar + S-8 rockets against drones.

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Update #13


M6 Bradley Linebacker (USA)
MSI-DS Terrahawk Paladin (UK)
OF40 Cheetah (Italy)
PRTL GWI Cheetah (France - BeNeLux)
NASAMS MML (Sweden - Norway)

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Update #14


  • Object 1040 “Ellipse” (Russia)
  • T38 Stilet (Russia - Belarus)
  • AMX 30 Javelot (France)
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Update #15


  • 9K37 Buk (Russia)
  • G6-HVM Suggestion Added (UK)
  • LY-70 CV (China)
  • K808 AAGW (South Korea)
  • PASARS-16 NG (Serbia)
  • M-90 Sava (Yugoslavia)
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G6 mounts 8. Why they mounted 4 at the moment of taking picutres is a mystery that most likely will never be answered.




Update #16


  • NMS 195 Robot 70 (Sweden - Norway)
  • AD-08 Majid (Iran)
  • Dezful (Iran
  • Zoubin (Iran)
  • ZSU-23-4M-A1 ‘Rokach’ (Ukraine)
  • BURC (Turkey)
  • Pirana 6x6 Blowpipe (Chile)

Radar of the G6-HVM


I thought that the SLAMRAAM/NASAMS had a range of ~15km with AIM-120Bs, and ~25km with AIM-120C-7s (and that the SLAMRAAM-ER was just an AIM-120C-7)?

While its been awhile, I think AIM-120 regardless of version are going to lower range because they don’t have a booster rocket. Wear as the SL-AMRAAM has a added booster rocket which gives it it’s extended range.