High Tier - Top Tier SPAA Mega List

Im not too overly concerned about it. As long as there is a link to jump to part 2, Im fine with it.

Sure there are ways to make it look better, but im satisfied with it how it is.

Im more concerned with updating formatting and fixing the inaccuracies that were pointed out. Then I can go back to looking for additions or doing other forum stuff.

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To add to the Italian side of things, the Italian SPAA that can be implemented under the current assumptions of what Gaijin allows would be:

  • B1 Draco
  • Polyphem
  • Grifo
  • OF-40 Cheetah
  • SAMP/T (assuming it can be fired maddog like an AMRAAM)

Not sure if u read my post but it got no radar but can link to one externally, ready rack/stowed ammo is 100rounds.

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sweden doesnt have the SLM.
mass is 140kg and diameter is 7 inches or 177.8mm. the diameter on wikipedia is bullshit and based on some random article that was published before the SLM even finished development

RIM-162 is 10 inches or 254mm


Umkhonto does not use Giraffe. It uses one of the local options. Most likely RSR 420, but ESR 360, RSR 320 and ESR 220 are also possibile.

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Also about the cactus, the split version would not be used. It would be either 4 R440 or 4 SAHV, no inbetween. The pictture you used is during a presentation, where 2 R440 were used to show the difference. But on the other hand SAHV firing one was a upgraded version, so it introduces more things to the equasion.

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Thank you. I dont wish to solely use Wikipedia, and I try to collaborate specifications between at least another website/source but sometimes I easily cant find additional sources.

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Update #21

Part 1 Additions

  • M458 Eagle (US)

Part 2 Additions

  • RBS 70 VLM (Sweden)
  • ATILGAN PMSS (Turkey)
  • Vuran SUNGUR (Turkey)
  • Arlan 4x4 PMI (Kazakhstan)
  • MT-LB IMLS (Kazakhstan)

the ranges are switched around and calibres for both are 165mm


Thank you and corrected.

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Update #22

Part 1 Additions

  • T249 Vigilante (US)
  • General Electric’s DIVAD Proposal (US)
  • Sperry’s DIVAD Proposal (US)
  • Piranha Blazer (UK)
  • FMC M2 Bradley ICV (UK)

Part 2 Additions

  • VBR MPCV (France)
  • MOWAG Trinity (Switzerland)
  • MOWAG Crotale (Switzerland)
  • Nile-23 (Egypt)

Update #23

  • Updated formatting to show sub-categories in nation headers
  • Compacted Misc nations to spoiler drop down
  • Added some additional links for some vehicles

Part 1 Additions

  • RDF-LT 4 (US)

Part 2 Additions

  • LSPZRA Stalagmit (Poland)
  • VFlab Lpz 51 (Switzerland)
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I have been linked?

Do you have relevant links for information about SPAAs that I haven’t seen?

You linked his response in Cactus SAHV instead of the suggestion itself.

oops. Didn’t even notice.

Update #24

Part 1 Additions

  • Vulcan Excalibur (US)
  • Defender 2 HMMWV (US)
  • IRIS-T SLS Mk.3 (Germany)
  • Sky Dragon 12 (China)

Part 2 Additions

  • AMX 10 RAA (France)
  • Berliet GBD Roland 2C (France)
  • M987 FVS Crotale NG (France)
  • PZA Loara (Poland)
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Bit more info on it.

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Also, this could be added for USA as well:

edit: the 11rpm claim in the first image is 100% a typo

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Update #25

Part 1 Additions

  • M6A3 Bradley M-SHORAD (US)
  • Mobile C-RAM Centurion (US)
  • XM701 GLAADS (US)
  • Rapira-3 (Russia)
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