High tier Sweden: What's left?

well , doesnt comfirm denmark, can only mean sweden, finnland and norwegian, besdies that if norwegian and possibly denmark would be added seems like purely premiums /event so thats a lot of vehicles gone for the tech tree

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by dutch they mean Denmark, for some reason many calls Denmark for “dutch” xd

yes but the devs just spoke broadly of skanidavian nations, this isnt a confirmation about denmark being added. Can mean they only meaned finnland and norwegian, sounds like that video was at a time were finnland wasnt added yet

It was 2 years ago this was posted, there is another one i believe but i cant find it again

so as currently no confirmed danish vehicles for the sweden tree and propably norwegian only as event /premiums

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Well, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that all vehicles fielded by scandinavia will wind up in the swedish tree at some point or another.

Having Norwegian premiums in the tree that don’t really have anything to do with Sweden itself as well as a full Finnish subtree that also doesn’t have much to do with Sweden outside of being geographically close gives the impression Gaijin is extending the life of the tech tree by making it a pan-Scandinavian tree, wouldn’t be surprised if we saw an Estonian premium or event vehicle for Sweden popping up in the future.

and thats were you are wrong, as example if poland gets added estonian would be got material for them as well

That’s a lot more speculative.

Poland is already an “if”, as they’re a smaller nation that does not have their own tree in the game, where Sweden is already a tree and has vehicles from unrelated Scandinavian nations in it, so it’s more reasonable to assume all nations with Geographical relevance to Sweden, go to Sweden, as has been the case thus far.

There’s an earlier one that used spikes, it’s the 4th gen one, you can see them firing it at a SAV. M/43 “training” target, I believe those were Spike-LR’s

I get that this is a “viable” replacement to the BILL model, but they are all built on the export, which is comparable the CV-9040 B with the multi-chambering Bushmaster cannons, I believe ranging from 30-50mm’s, but as for now, spikes in game aren’t very good, and definitely not viable, unlike the TDA Bill’s, only if ammo would cook off in Russian tanks like they should 😒

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Found this book of vehicles sweden leased and tested, quiet a few would be cool to see, a few we already have (The IKV 103 and the PVKV vehicles) along with the centureons and the home built sherman, and probably a few others I missed.

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Still waiting for the CV9040 REMO, 122B+ gave me some hope

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No, you are not wrong.

Two K2NOs, one with trophy and one without.

KAPS had issues with interference with the soft kill system, and Hyundai Rotem offered a ready-to-use option - the Trophy system - rather than telling the Norwegians to wait for the Koreans to improve KAPS, promising to deliver as quickly as possible.

An orignal strv 122, Leopard 2 Improved (TVM 2)

That prototype participated and won new swedish mbt competition beating leclerc and abrams. Later modified, it became strv 122, and modified differently in germany, became Leopard 2A5

Compared to Strv 122: less composite on the sides of the turret, no spall liner, only DM33 round. Would be nice fill to 11.0 lineup

yeah no sorry, but the TVM goes to germany if anything

Look at it having more armor than the 2a7v

Germany didnt want the composite so they are not gonna get it XD

yes certainly not placed on the 2a7v, and tell me again in whose museum it is standing, in whose camo it is painted. It is a german prototype for testing the equipment

You seem to be easily agitated lol

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Here is some things that I would like added. Source: https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/modern/sweden
“TriKA, a version of the Bofors TRIDON anti-aircraft system mounted on a modified Volvo articulated hauler. Photo: Ointres.se”

The AMOS, a dual 120mm mortar developed by Sweden and Finland.

CV90 Mk.4


