High tier rant, please help

Hi everyone, top tier is doesn’t get more fun (at least for me) , any veteran players of top tier please pop some advice for me, which will be very appreciated.

I don’t know man, I wanna perform well in tio tier but just seem to get my ss whooped. Recently I have been playing the ZTZ-59D1 in the chinese 8.7 line up with a KD of 44/60 on that thing from stock till now. Here are what I have gathered of top tier

Compared to mid tiers you cannot rely on your armour since everything are mbt’s, it is all about reaction. Angling and side scraping doesnt work. Everyone has such quick aims, I am starting to question my snail like reaction time, I always have to aim center of mass or weak spots to get the weak spots while other tanks can just lol through me. Everyone gets a shot off faster than me causing me to die.

I am at the ultimatum of choosing to continue higher tiers and suffer more (repair cost also increase), or stick with my reserved playstyle with stuff like IS-2, which I perform better than in the Tiger 2H.

I think top tier is just too fast and unpredictable, everyone drives arnoud and gets to positions you never expect in a million years. If you are slow and laid back I think top tier is not for you.


Top tier is hard because it takes little skill
Mid tier is hard because it takes skill
4.0-8.3 is my personal favorite BR range but I dabble in top tier from time to time. Mid tier is just more fun


Yeah same bro, anything till 8.0 are fun


I have been playing the game over a year mist at 10.0+ (UK, Germany, USA) and top tier (UK) and i havent even come close to a nuke. I average like 3-4 kills a game on a good day, but usually 2. Idk what im doing wrong. You sounds like you are doing a lot better than me.

You should avoid top tier unless you use it for some wagers or challenges.
Gameplay is boring and pretty pathetic


Got it

Top tier can be fun, but it really goes too fast. Especially on the smaller maps. With heli’s and planes having more stand off munitions it gets really messy, but it can still be fun if you have the line up. I find myself enjoying the lower tiers more as its a bit slower pace and more engaging.

I havent done any ground sim, but give that a try. if its anything like air sim it will be more fun at higher br’s. I think with the higher br’s we should have much bigger maps since weapons can reach much further. The advance to the Rhine map should not be in top tier map rotation as its just way to small.

Low tier (1.0-6.0) is uncoordinated hell with a few SAV premium seal clubbers mixed in.
low mid tier (6.3-8.0) is relatively balanced (gaijin fix the damn FV4005 and move the M109 up already) and takes some awareness
High mid tier (8.3-10.0) is unbalanced and suffers from massive technological generation and in game performance compression, mid 1950s tanks facing things from as recent as 2010 (2s38) and chieftain seeing an OBJ 292 is just ridiculous and unfair to most nations and takes high skill to overcome the compression.
Top tier is the uncoordinated hell of low tier but little timmy bought a clickbait with mothers debit card and the rest of us must feel his wrath in the tanks we know have incorrect armour and penetration but we don’t have the sekrit dokument to say so/

this is why I almost exclusivley play 6.7-7.7. its relaxed but takes a little awareness and fortunately has my favourite aircraft and planes there. I ground out the entire ground tree and working on all of the air tree of the nation I main but ill stay to low mid tier for my own mental wellbeing


If you’re free to play, I would argue that’s the highest you need go. It’s simple, premium players can play longer with greater Silver rewards than free to play players. You’re not slower than the other players, they’re just more accustomed to anticipating your maneuvers.

Furthermore, if you aren’t turning down your own engine volume and maxxing theirs in your Sound settings, you’re gilding yourself. Angling does work, SOMETIMES, but only for you to clear out an angle and take a track without being shot yourself (that takes work).

If you are taking flank shots, yes, most everything 8.7 or higher can kill anything higher than it, even the Abrams will die from a side shot from a 8.7 tank (though it might take a couple tries).

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Top tier is hard because it takes little skill if you’re in a BVM,T90M,2A7(HU),STRVs, other than that it takes alot of skills to get a few kills then get absolutely shit on by air-to-ground missile.

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Imo, I’d say toptier is the most skilled place.

All tanks are somewhat equally balanced, with certain being better in some aspects, and worse in others. Japan excels in mobility and firepower, Germany and Italy are the all-rounders with their 2A7s, Sweden has armor, Russia is also a pretty good all-rounder, with the exception being shell penetration, The US and UK is more like a wannabe all-rounder, not being horrible at anything, but not being great either. France has… a good reload coupled with a good shell.

It’s really the only place where everyone is somewhat equal and is thus forced to play around with their skills, and the things that their vehicles excel at.

Uptiers and Downtiers are also a thing of the past, 11.7 is all you’ll play, thus removing the luck aspect of how well you’ll perform in a match.


You also need a better tank. The one you mentioned (I didn’t play past Type 62 in the chinese tree) seems painful with it’s slow reload speed and turret rotation. I can’t with tanks like that. I need at least good reload speed.

So yeah, if you don’t move to some other, better tank, consider spending some GE to Ace the crew so it will suck a bit less.

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