High tier mentality worse than low tier

You can play low tier and identify common behaviours and methods, inconsistencies etc.

Then you advance and play the rest of the game upwards in the tech tree.

Everything seems fine and balanced, behaviours, methods, utilisation of vehicles seems on par.

Then you get to high tier - and suddenly everyone seems like those low tier players - but even worse.

Yolo 5 minute gameplay is not engaging. (and that is being generous)

The biplane, 2.3 mentality is the most prevalent mentality in jets.

It is almost as though we have players join the game, play biplanes for a bit then buy a premium jet to grind out everything, all whilst maintaining and utilising the same biplane mentality.

This is literally jet br’s.

Honestly disappointing.

Most jet pilots dont even know what an Immelman is, or a snap roll etc etc.

Bad pilot? - cool just jump to high/top tier and launch missiles whilst performing the same impulsive maneuvers you see at 1.0 br. . . . . .


This is by the way the same in ground.
Top tier plays exactly the same as rank I. Everybody rushes the spawn point as fast as possible.
And the problem is everybody can kill everybody and everything can kill himself. So it is whoever leftclicks the other dude first wins. Literally no skill inwolved.
And the thing is if everyone plays like a maniac, you yourself start doing it too.
Whats the point of staying back, and going into a good position, if you encounter NOTHING there because everyone just dies at the meat grinder in the middle of the map. So you have to drive there aswell. Worst offenders are M1128 Wolfpack, they always zoom around the battlefield and then explode.


Newbies who bought premium vehicles spoil the gameplay. 5-10 minutes and half the team will just disappear.

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I don’t rush objective points and choose to camp a little then two or three minutes in I usually get bombed by some flying objects that could see me from planet mars. So far hadn’t find any fun yet playing top tier.

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Because you are not the one bombing 🤣

There’s a reason for this, many of those folks hope to get a kill so they can jump into CAS. Because CAS currently is insanely strong and just nukes the entire game. You can play slow, methodical, with actual thought. And then get nuked out of orbit alongside five other guys by the derp guy who rushed in and got the cap then jumped into a jet with FAF missiles.