Thanks for another comment not on topic, can we now have proper discussion?
Having a solution that might take years to implement isn’t really a solution in my eyes. This goes for your “just add more AAs and change up the game mode”.
It’s good to note how even after those 7 years we still have gaping holes in AA lines and our modes haven’t changed much to alleviate the issue.
Again guys, I really would discuss, but you manipulate what’s said, ignore the points, and dogpile like nothing else resulting in new posters the likes of Hudler and Despair making snide comments on the back of your constant beration…
I’m sorry, but they think you’ve owned me, so the point is well proven here.
Your want for a mode, of 7 years, is borne from a victim stance, and is a fixated one at that that ignores the game expanding and having counters added over time… Just because you got got doesn’t make the person a bad person, you just got got… Please stop feeding players the excuses they need to keep that crutch firmly seated, because it makes it harder for the rest of us to actually try and explain something because they just want to be pandered to.
So You can always do it:
Game should expand in a way where things and their counters are added at the same time, as a way to keep things balanced.
It’s been years since some things were added and we still don’t have a counter to them. You thinking this is fine is the worrying part.
This is why I think your “just ask for more AAs” argument looks good only in theory. People have demanded counters for years but guess what, plenty of those are still yet to come as Gaijin is busy adding things with higher profit margins.
Skill-based matchmaking is a terrible idea. If I am very good, and my friend very bad, who would enjoy it when we played together in a squad? Keeping matchmaking ignorant of skill, makes matches dynamic and never play out quite the same, which is very good for the game. Sometimes it’s easy, other times hard. It’s okay like that.
I think it would be better to have some kind of indication of needed forces. Like the voice telling you when the enemy controls most of the capture points, a voice could announce when the enemy seems to be dominant in the air. That would increase the chance of SPAA spawning when they are needed, and reduce the frustration of ground players being repeatedly hammered by CAS. Also, SPAAs capable of actually responding to the air threat is sorely needed in the game.
You mean it would work like in most PvP games with ranking?
Who would have guessed
Only if players cared about It, with SBMM it would be more likely
I don’t see SBMM ever working. The possibility of one player thinking there might be even a small chance his struggles are caused by the group he plays with would ruin everything social about the game, in my opinion.
It does work in other games, so why not here?
This is already the case