High tier CAS problem

Didn’t say that at all.

Because the aggrieved are often irrational, the constant labeling of the players who get you are the commonality in this.

There are this many posts about ‘CAS’ and ‘insert every other ‘issue’ here’ because the forum attracts more of those who have trouble than those who are fine with the game.

You’ve misread that statement to be honest.

It is, but the search function is also there, as well as the suggested threads wuth you create such a thread…

And when I post that I disagree, peopel see reason to accuse me of being nefarious, and being inadequate in the game to even post…

And that’s part of the game… It’s not ‘unfair’ you just don’t like it.

Not at all… It’s actually quite amazing that you say you want an answer, get given it, then play like you can’t see anything…

I did write it, and I will keep commenting.

Nope, sorry, but just because I oppose your want, and your mentality, doesn’t mean I disagree with ‘everything’…

Your perception of me ‘defending’ the developers is actually really ignorant to engagement and discussion.

I’d urge you to think and discuss more, it’d do you more good than being oppositional.

In many ways they don’t.

Whilst you can say it’s wrong or bad advice, the reliance on trying to stop someone from commenting is the issue here, and you do this commonly, at the behest of those few…

Who knows, your advice on taking sunscreen could be something someone needs to hear.

Again, your interpretation of such value and telling everyone that it’s not valuable, prejudices and feeds a negativity…

It’s not like you’d go to the golf course and tell everyone to not bother listening to coaches because they don’t know anything…

That’s the difference.

Can you highlight where I actually called anyone ‘silly’ as you put out here, because I’m just not seeing it…


You still can’t front up, so you should shut up…

Considering how in higher tiers you have more CAS types to deal with and also that CAS becomes totally silent and barely visible since they operate from much longer ranges, I’d say low tier gameplay is much more different than top tier one, especially in how CAS interacts with ground units.

I’m not trying to stop you from doing anything, I’m telling you how your advice/opinion simply doesn’t work in the game.
Your advices on how to fix the problem also simply aren’t good enough if they’ll take years to implement fully, which is a fair amount of time when looking at Gaijin’s track record.

My advice on golf as a game in particular and it’s tactics.

No, just stop being so dead-set dead on arrival for anything air related…

The worst thing about this whole advice that you put out is that it’s pointless to even try and that makes people NOT try…

This is the commonality on all the put-outs that are put out about CAS… The old ‘Just spawn a plane’ using up all the SP so the second you get got, you can’t spawn and can’t do anything more… Where if you’d spawned SPAA, used artillery and tried to get something, you’d still be able to spawn a plane.

That’s the dumbest part about this urge to follow the advice of the few who dismiss anything else…

Yeah this guy isn’t adequate at all, or just spamming. I’m not going to answer you any more, you just can’t see difference between gameplay at 5.0 and 12.0 it says everything about your knowing of this game.

If you can’t highlight where I’ve called anyone silly, then you have to admit that you’re lying… Hell, I even made the search link for you… Go find it…

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

You need to realize that if your AA is easily outranged by CAS, spawning it won’t change that situation at all and now you’re stuck in a vehicle that can’t really challenge tanks optimally. It’s basically a lose-lose situation.

You spawn AA to counter air. If your vehicle can’t do that then it’s by far the worst thing you can spawn, of course if you aren’t totally out of SP.

Please take it to PM, this thread is going off-topic.

thank you.,

Typical CAS topic on this forum goes like this:

-check cas topic
-TO is proposed to solve problems, allowing cas players and tank only players to both enjoy the game how they want
-see flyingdoctor mental gymnastics, gaslighting and screeching about how he don’t want people enjoy the game other way than he do
-ulq is destroying him in posts
-flyingdoctor is flagging and derailing the topic
-mods are closing topic

The pattern recognition is strong here


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

It’s typical that someone comes in and flags it.

It’s alright, it’s clear where the true issue is, and that’s the want for an echochamber and for those who wish to feed the whinge to make an unmanageable, and uncounterable force of plebs to fight their battles for them.

Hey, i don’t like you, but it wasn’t even me who flagged you.

It’s nice o see i am not the only one who disagrees with you

This is it:

You’re just talking smack without any basis of fact…

I don’t flag this garbage anymore, it was pointless then, and it’s still pointless now…

Someone flagged your comment?

Is someone fighting you with your own style?

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Maybe read the posts for once.

And if you can’t answer this…

Then you should maybe not be commenting in such a manner.

Manner? Funny.

I’m not going to start polemics with you, that’s pointless, explaining something several times pointless. So leave me and this thread alone please.

You are just spamming and flagging everything you don’t agree. So again - leave me and this thread alone.

If you can’t highlight where I said what you said then you’re full of excrement and are lying… Simple as that.

Stop lying… I haven’t flagged anything, and calling you out over your statements that you make in the public forum isn’t spamming… Especially when you said those to cause trouble.

So anyone wanting a discussion on topic instead of bloating and destroying another thread?

I would discuss it, but as I’ve mentioned before, if you can’t take on board the points, there is no discussion, it’s just you dictating your demands for another mode or matchmaking to make a better game for yourself.