High tier CAS problem

“Because some aspects are not realistic we can’t ask for other things to be realistic!”

Can’t wait to fly an X-wing.

Death Star could be a great alternative to a nuke bomber

I would also like my T-34-85 to be able to rotate the turret so fast that it turns into a heli!

Something like this

Edit: I thought the video is funny enough :/


Take it to pm’s if you’re gonna go back & forth nit picking each other.

Repair, respawn and rearm is an abstraction to allow for multiplayer 16 v 16 encounters to be possible.
If Warthunder was singleplayer, we’d instead have reloading.

Multiplayer MSFS, vatsim has “respawning” in event of catastrophic failure.

You can respawn in sailwind. You can have a shipyard give you a new boat within a few days rather than the years it takes realistically.

You can reload in KSP or have instantenous new rockets built.
You can reload in Orbiter.
You can reload in truck sims.
You can reload in train sims.

You can observe your launch procedure from third person in orbiter, KSP.
You can observe your sub in third person in the various submarine sims.

Crew healing is meant to be an abstraction of getting a new crew in, or acceleration of real life timelines for recovery for smaller injuries.

Tank repairing is again an acceleration of timelines to be given a replacement tank.

For warthunder’s realism, I can only speak confidently about the aviation aspect:

Realistic and simulator battle rulesets, Full-real controls set-up (no instructor) - you can play in Air RB using Full-real controls, and if you read old forums - instructor controls were seen as a means to ease in, not the be all end all:

  1. When you initiate take-off, left-turning tendencies pull your aircraft off-course and require appropriate rudder correction.
  2. Left-turning tendencies is modelled as function of airspeed, engine torque and propeller shape. Aircraft that have unique designs like itallian props with their assymetric wings are appropriately modelled as counteracting these tendencies. Otherwise, appropriate rudder input is required to fly coordinated.
  3. Gyroscopic precession is modeled.
    Taking a plane that’s sufficiently light with sufficiently powerful engine to exagarate the issue (bf109s, spitfires) - level out in flight and apply sudden backpressure. Your plane’s nose lurches to the right just as we expect to happen with real aircraft.
    Doing the same and applying forward pressure, the nose lurches to the left as we expect.
    Slip indicators display appropriate information and suggestion of action (apply left pedal for pitch up, right pedal for pitch down).
  4. Propeller efficiency, and consequently the ability to stall propellers is modelled. Having too small diameter propellers moving too quickly without the proper propeller pitch without sufficient airspeed makes them lose thrust. This stalling behavior changes with altitude.
  5. When putting your aircraft into a left bank, the nose slides off to the right and up. When putting your aircraft into a right bank, the nose slides off to the left and up.
    This is sideslip, and it is in broad strokes appropriately modelled.
    AIrcraft with assymetric wings, spoilerons don’t experience it or only minimally.
  6. Stalling in a slip is properly modelled. Due to the nose “dirtying” the air over the outside wing, we expect the outside wing to stall first and make the aircraft level out. This happens just as we expect.
  7. Stalling in a skid is properly modelled. Skid occurs from over-correcting slip, pushing the nose below the horizon and dirtying the air over the inside wing. The inside wing stalls first, dropping it and putting the plane into a spin as it turns upside down. Fully developed, we obtain a flat spin.
  8. Using slips to dump altitude (cross-control, forward slip) is modelled and can be done reliably.
  9. Proverse roll is modelled and is a cruical part of flying in near-stall conditions to maintain stability even as ailerons lose authority, just like with real aircraft (Falling leaf instructional maneuver is fully doable in warthunder).

If Warthunder was not trying to be realistic in its realistic game mode,

why are all of the above modelled in better details than microsoft flight sim 2020?

Are the individual vehicles’ performance characteristics perfectly accurate to their real life counterparts? No. Warthunder is not as high quality in the individual vehicle department due to its main advantage: Lots and lots of vehicles, many obscure and forgotten. Other sims stick to only a tiny handful of vehicles, which afford greater individual detail.

Are the exact scales, forces and sensations perfect? No. However, these flight dynamic principles exist and are relevant and affect gameplay all the same. Getting them perfect is something only very expensive, dedicated trainer programs have. Furthermore, perfection is partially based on the quality of input and output. It’s difficult to judge the pitch stability of a spitfire without using a flight stick of the appropriate dimensions for instance. DCS also suffers in this regard.

Warthunder has made an effort in its early days to take the IL-2 experience and offer it to a wider audience with the means to ease into the gameplay through assists and simplified procedures.
Sometime around late 2010s something changed and instead it decided to arcadify rather than simply improve accessibility.


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Sorry I don’t have the correct opinions via gaijin staff so I guess ur right.

I’m only bringing up sim because we have someone claiming wishes for realistic game mode to be realistic are bad wishes, and instead wants to turn it arcade.

I am explaining that I’d love to play sim, but I cannot due to the lineup system making it so you can only use a vehicle once/week, maybe twice if it’s on a treshold.

I am bringing up simulation because the fact that all of the above is possible in GRB/ARB with the right control settings means that realistic mode strives for… realism.

Therefore, we should strive for providing a realistic battle environment for both CAS/CAP and ground vehicles.

Which finally brings us to my initial point:

Removal of air spawn for air vehicles, airfield spawns and moving the airfields back.

These would both benefit ground players (CAS takes longer to be able to drop bombs, strafe or use their guided munitions due to travle time)

And it would benefit air players (CAP don’t end up shot by AAA for flying 7 km away from ABC points, CAS doesn’t get a plane that literally didn’t exist manifest through magic and able to attack them in 1 second).

The only “drawback” is that it’d take longer to rearm (I’d argue it’s a boon for ground players and a boon for slower, less competetive CAS platforms that can carry incredible loads and have very good loiter-time, but lose out against multirole aircraft with smaller loads, as the multirole can fight back against CAP and evade SPAA more effectively. Thus, you get an interesting choice of greater loiter time and ratio of threatening ground units versus greater survivability but longer time spent unable to pressure the enemy).

And implementation risks (Gaijin uses the same airfield distance for supersonic aircraft and interwar flying snails).

This suggestion by me (alongside complaints that the current GRB air space makes using aircraft-as-intended impossible even at lower brackets with high-altitude bomber escorts/bnz fighters, much less BVR fplatforms who find even 120x120 maps oppressively small) turned into
“arguing based on realistic combat environments is bad because warthunder isn’t realistic. Realistic mode isn’t trying for realism” and then the whole back and forth.

I was defending this post: High tier CAS problem - #19 by RunaDacino

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Regardless, This is a CAS thread. Some of you went off topic & went completly into defensive mode with poor choices of words.

Anything further on that subject & you’ll be removed from making posts.

Feels nice to get defecated on by CAS not once but twice in less than a minute. Second death happened like 40m away from spawn where I had literally no cover to go to.

What a fun minute in a Ground game mode.


Spawn SPAA or Plane bro, no matter if half of Your team is already using it


Just play air rb bro, theres no way around it. Apperantly we can’t get only tanks mode. Just spawn your 10.0 Chaparral bro.


In this case “spawn AA” doesn’t even work as Chappy is beyond bad against those vehicles.
But yeah, “just spawn a plane bruv” should work here, guess I need to get good.

Imagine playing tanks in a Ground battle.


Great game, now find me ItO in Israeli tree.

not my problem play a better nation, you knew the short comings when you chose to play isreal

Who said it’s your problem ?
This is Gaijin’s fault for not giving everyone equal means to fight aircraft from the ground.

I won’t play a better nation by the way as all should be good enough.


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‘People say, and I think what you said was wrong so you HAVE to be lying’ is literally all that is…

There’s no fabrication as the majority of the posts that the critical few pick on are actually advice that covers much and many aspects of the game… They’d just rather that players wallow in the whinge and moan and don’t even try…

That’s how simple that is.

Your disrespect is from directly fabricating what I say and misconstruing it to make out that it is wrong, when it never was.

Mindset and being positive, makes people enjoy the game more, fixating and focusing on blame, makes them wallow in self pity.

Don’t try to be righteous and all that after all this.

I’d actually appreciate it if we could get some sort of stance on this because I’m beyond tired of EVERY GODDAMN TIME I POST I find myself dogpiled by the simple few who want to keep the moan going to put forth thier seperate gamemode, or to label someone as a bad player, or to say that it’s a cheap kill to have got them on the field…

It’s beyond taking it to PMs. It’s such a stupid advisory that it ignores the situation that’s been allowed to brew.

It’s been about statchecking and berating players for even having the simplest of advice to make people EVEN TRY to sort thier issues out, yet we end up with this statchecks for pages, complaints about being able to do nothing to something, and constant ignorance to even the slightest effort or thinking…

Again, to further the whinge about the problem so they can put forth thier gamemode, every, goddamn, thread…

Nothing wrong in asking for a new game mode.

Check out my post above and tell me what I could’ve done even with AA options my nation has.

Absolutely nothing wrong with asking but for you guys it’s a demand

And ANYONE objecting or pointing out to people that there are other tactics or options, are shouted down on the regular…

As I have said in the past, suggest more… That’s how you solve it rather than needing your own seeprate mode so you don’t get bombed.

Sure, it’s easier to just make you a fresh mode, but thats been demanded for 5-6 years now, and various players have proclaimed they’d quit because of not being heard, only to return typically.

It’s a better option in the longer term to get on actually suggesting better SPAA and map/mission design to allow for the air threat to not target you alone… AKA give them another option to attack, which also affects the game.

Such as bringing back the field artillery that when it was taken out, that it stopped the artillery for the players, but I know that so many complained about that happening and wouldn’t take on board why that was, they just took it out.

And also, you are one of those few, it’s funny that the actual spam and derailing comes from various others.

I’m not demanding anything.

The problem is that those tactics and options simply don’t work for many, many BRs. This is particularly true for higher tiers which this thread is about.

Suggesting things won’t magically make the problem go away. People have been suggesting vehicles for months and years and yet barely anything comes to the game. AA tree and vehicles are mostly abandonware that create little to no revenue to Gaijin, so they’re better of adding yet another top tier jet/tank/premium, which is exactly what they’re doing.

TO would solve many problems of the current GRB and is actually pretty simple to implement as everything needed is already in the game.

Considering our modes/missions barely even changed for years/decade, I wouldn’t really count on Gaijin suddenly getting a change of heart and “waste” a year to just fixing modes. I’m sure they’ll keep feeding us vehicles that keep breaking the game more and more, due to archaic modes not being designed for those vehicles in the first place.

Looking at their track record, TO would be by far the simplest and easiest fix Gaijin could do, as that would disrupt their 70€ premium vehicle conveyor belt the least.

Those few ?