High tier CAS problem

Now CAS is my problem right? You said here’s many posts about CAS so it’s not only my problem. If players posting this often, means many of us have problems with CAS right?

What’s wrong with your logic bro?

I don’t mind if plane or helicopter gets me of guard, but it shouldn’t be balanced, that’s what I’m talking about.

And you still acting like everything is okay, like everything works like it should be.

You wrote “answer” about everything i wrote except one: why are defending Gaijin so furiously???


If you’ve got a suggestion to make, then make it… Additions are the way forward, not hand-holding and segregation to aid the afflicted.

It’s not that hard to figure out an SPAA to add, or another system to actually make the planes not want to bomb you… It’s not that hard to be honest.

That’s your interpretation, but it doesn’t mean you’re correct.

I did actually answer that…

So yea, maybe stop being so upset and aggrieved and read your own thread.


That’s the point, if a game is truly combined arms, then all modes should be just that.
If it’s not, then all military branches should be given a way to play alone, so gatekeeping just one from having just that because “combined arms game” is a moot argument.

Things can change, just like some maps in GRB got huge areas blocked off by invisible force that’s red zone.

Again, some equality should be present in the game. Air and Ground are two similarly sized branches and should have same opportunities.

Also, being so hostile towards a new mode which won’t even affect your preferred mode is weird.


Maps don’t need to be as small as GRB ones.
You can incentivize people to come to a certain area by placing something impactful (like caps) there.

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You’re telling us its not the developers problem so when we try put forth solutions ourselves you shoot us down like this. We try point out the imbalance and suggest alternatives we just get told to bring it to the devs. I just want to be able to play my favourite vehicles without having to revolve my gameplay around one or two players spamming CAS (note I’m not of the opinion that they’re abusing it) I don’t think a ground only mode is needed quite frankly, but something has got to change.


Can we please use reasonable and sensible arguments?

I absolutely loathe CAS, but your arguments about “add SPAA to Air RB/SB” just delegitimizes the position by association through its ridiculousness.

Let’s focus on actually sensible suggestions and criticisms such as:

  1. Tank only mode. Some might argue about matchmaker and queue times, but there’s precedent for unique modes in form of Naval AB/RB EC and the way coastal/bluewater BRs are set-up to allow for coastal only matches.
  2. Balancing CAS loadout SP costs so that you cannot just take a light tank and cap 1 point with some non-lethal hits and then spawn in a dominant aircraft with overwhelming air-ground ordnance. Air-to-ground loadout, especially on more agile airframes, should cost significant spawn points requiring a minimum competence to spawn - say 2 or 3 same or up-BR vehicle kills with 3-4 critical hits and equivalent in assists. A heavy fat attacker with the same ordnance as a fast and agile fighter with the same ordnance should cost less, as the fat attacker is easier to CAP and SPAA.
  3. Balancing CAP costs to be cheaper AND ALLOW RESEARCHING GROUND VEHICLES WITH. Flying CAP for me is a massive troll/griefing - I don’t enjoy flying in tiny shoeboxes, I dislike airspawn mechanics, I dislike low altitude dogfights. At least rewards are good? Nope. Rewards go to planes I already researched rather than the tank I want to unlock.
  4. Making Time-to-Threaten take longer. At the moment, aircraft take less than a minute to be able to drop a bomb or strafe a vehicle and even when RTBing and rearming it doesn’t take longer than 3 minutes to drop bomb (timer start), fly the 5-7 km to airfield, belly land without consideration for realism, repair in 15 seconds and drop a second bomb (timer end). Runways at BRs 1-3 are fine. At 3-6 need to be 12 km out minimum. At 6-8.7 20 km. Idk what’s appropriate for vietnam or modern.
  5. Remove airspawns as part of 4 and force runway take-offs
  6. Also significantly nerf airfield AAA (hitscan ftw… not)
  7. Give every player a random spawn “Fighter” plane that’s under-BR’d for the match like naval realistic has as an option.
  8. Fix the maps so that it doesn’t funnel everyone into 2-3 hotspots that make bombing people way too easy. More frontlines. More spawn zones (ideally: entire edge of the map).
  9. Fix ground SB matchmaker. Give us more brackets like air sim EC. By virtue of cockpit view and full-real controls, CAS is far less potent in ASB (and thus GSB even more) because dive bombing with mouse aim vs dive bombing with stick & rudder is a very different skill floor. Modern jets probably reduce the skill floor difference with guided munitions - I don’t have such planes to test the theory, only saw top-tier ASB streams in a10 by squishface.
    In ARB, strafing ground targets and bombing NPCs is easy mode farming when you can’t get kills.
    In ASB, trying to drop bombs onto tanks without dedicated bombsights has been… a challenge in the F4U-4. I will stick to dogfighting.
    There’s a reason in real life you don’t have stories of bf109s dropping 50kg bombs right onto enemy tanks and why, instead, everyone spent so much effort developing rockets they fired en masse.
    It’s stupid that if I wanted to drive my cent mk3 today, I’d be fighting 11.0 tanks in my 7.7 vehicle.
    It’s stupid if I wanted to drive my firefly, I legit couldn’t because it’s 2_1 day.

Your insistance on “what if spaa in ARB/ASB hue hue” makes us look like fools who have zero clue about what we want and just trolls to be ignored.


Adding air caps to air rb is an awful idea.

They need to itemize sp costs. Have each bomb/missile/ect cost sp.


It’s just an example of how “combined” only applies to some and is used as a cheap way to negate people more options by adding a new mode.

This we can agree on.

I don’t agree with this.
CAS cost should go up but at the same time CAP cost shouldn’t go down. You might ask why ?
If you make CAP trivial to spawn this will be a perfect invitation for fighter jockeys to use GRB as a de-facto marker-less ARB with way less enemies in the air, giving them what they’ve been striving for but in a totally wrong mode lol.

Also, being able to research ground vehicles by doing this would be nothing but a spit to the face to people that actually play tanks.

In order to make this happen without making it a spawn camp fest you’ll need to add much more airfield across the map.

By making airfields be further away from the ground battlefield while significantly nerfing AAA, you’d basically make a really big area for fighter jockeys to abuse your newly added mechanics and literally hijack the mode, while being totally immune from both AI and player-controlled AAs.

Seeing how new maps are made I doubt they’ll suddenly learn how to make a map.

Your changes would benefit CAP pilots more than actual ground units.

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Yeah sure everything is okay, everything is balanced. Everything works just fine and you are right. You enjoying playing CAS i get it. Pointless to explain further, you just don’t want to understand (or don’t understand)

I wrote everything in post and comments. Everyone understands there’s huge problem with CAS and guys like me want to change something. Bye!


There is no problem with CAS.
Whats problems we have

  1. Too much grinde another vehicle and grind modules out of stock.
  2. Absolute stupid system with revive points for tanks. Revive points need be only for SPAA, Aircrafts and Helicopters.
  3. Maps. They all made for 1 ground respawn.

It doesn’t have to be caps, there’re other things that will make players linger around an area.

Some nations don’t have reasonable SPAA (britain has a 5.3 Bosvark up until 8.3 falcon) and thus can only rely on CAP to take down CAS.
Assuming CAS is allowed to continue to exist, these nations must either allow that single plane to sit in the air unopposed, hope the pilot is very dumb and flies low & slow for bosvark’s 1km range to kill them or suicides.
If they have CAP, they can go and kill that annoying bomber and go back to playing tanks at one player’s sacrifice.
However, that sacrifice is absolutely not worth it as it is right now because I don’t care for researching planes while playing GRB and I imagine most fighter pilots would agree.

As for “getting what you strive for in ARB”, I dunno but even with my changes to airfield design and such, I’d not enjoy flying planes in GRB at all. I’d at least not feel like trolling/griefing myself by wasting my time getting zero progress on my modifications/next tank.

Even with runways pushed back, the low-altitude/small Area of operations nature of GRB makes my preferences for high altitude dogfights unfulfilled.


The fact there are player spaa would attract attackers by default. They could engage spaa from even further out than in ground rb.

Fighters will ignore the area even with targets since they just want air kills.

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You guys wouldn’t have so many problems with CAS if you used more cover. Js. Most people crying about CAS are sitting out of cover in the open. The only real issue with CAS is spawn killing, other than that I don’t have any issues with it 🤷🏿‍♀️

I’m sure that filling that gap with a few vehicles is much easier than reworking half of a mode to get the same result.

Yes, play ground vehicles in a ground mode to research ground tree. Shocking ?

Many people enjoy ARB and have it as their main/only Air mode they play, don’t count that out.
If you look around and check for most common, fighter-related issues in ARB, you’ll surely see many posts disliking the fact games there can be 16v16 and there’s simply too much stuff going on.

Your changes will provide sort of a “safe haven” for those people that enjoy ARB-feel of their planes while also fighting much less air units at the same time.

I bet many of those people would love to fight you in a setting where you’re untouchable by AAs, while also not being in a constant fear of getting 3rd-partied by a dozen of other planes like in Air modes.
You’d also gain RP/SL out of it, which is yet another benefit.

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Considering planes have separated BRs, I don’t see a reason why AAs couldn’t get that as well to balance this out. By having this, you could easily have something like Osa engaging slow attackers with dumb bombs only or Pantsirs going against aircraft such as A-10C.
But hey, this would be perfectly balanced as AAs would have much higher SP cost, so no big deal.

Attackers are basically a free kill to them, so going after those would give them just that.

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What? There are no sp costs since everyone has 1 life

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I don’t know if any of you here also play ground assault, they also force you to play the boring ass SPAA else they have this AI planes harrase your tanks, you will find most matches nobody even bother spawing an AA because they spawn two planes in each wave and 22 throughout the entire match, 22 plane kills in 35 minutes sounds fun when you can kill 120 ground units with mbts? not even PVE can opt out of dealing with cancerous CAS crap lol it’s like someone has these planes so far shoved up their asses and that have to shit planes in every game modes that involve ground vehicles lol


Who says there must be only a single spawn in ARB, is that a gospel which should be blindly followed ?

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I mean there are air battles without tanks irl. I don’t think there are much if any tank battles without planes irl.