Just wanted to say few things about balance between ground and air vehicles.
First of all, there can’t be balance between this 2, i understand what but getting killed by someone from 10 kilometres away, why you can’t see, can’t hear, can’t hide, DON’T get any warning is unfair.
About AA: it’s close to useless at top tier, radar can’t lock, rocket loses track, helicopters can just sit behind trees and you can’t do anything, jets just need to make slight turn and rocket flies other side.
It’s old story, where guys getting home cap, or 1-2 assist and spawning fully loaded jet. Lastly i noticed new trend: ground battle without any ground vehicle. Some guys taking heli first, gets free kills+ assists (all tanks can do is shot with 50cal, if has so it’s easiest kills) and take 2nd spawn jet.
Gaijin has to do something about it, people complaining about “1 death leave” players, but when you getting focused by heli 1st minute of game doesn’t adds interest of continue spawning.
Few words about “1 death leave” players: there is no point to spawn 2nd or 3rd time, why? Let me explain:
-vehicles are fast, battles are fast, after 1st wave of players match is decided who wins
-if your team wins, best course of action will be 1 max 2 kills on enemy spawn and waste 5-7 min camping spawn, so it’s profitable to just leave and join next battle.
-if your team loses, you won’t be able to even leave spawn, every position is hold by enemies plus CAS watches spawn so can’t hide anywhere. Spawning 2nd-3rd time mostly means give free kills to enemy, that’s why most players choose to leave after losing 1st spawn.
-believe me, majority of players have lineups at top tier, it’s just pointless, every bush is shooting at you, every cloud launches missiles or laser guided bombs and it’s not fun at all plus, let’s be clear: most players want to play only ground, but current battles are full of CAS and helicopters which, as i said before, doesn’t adds interest.
I know i will get ocean of hate from CAS lovers, but i don’t care, current high tier battles showing us what’s problem. Yes there’s lvl 15 guys who bought FUJI and doesn’t have anything more, but when you see guy left after 1 death just check playercards and you will see, most of them have lineups, but no will to continue match. I wander why??
I’m almost always checking playercards and i see only 3 reasons: 1st of all CAS, 2nd bad maps, 3rd no lineup.