High tier CAS problem


Just wanted to say few things about balance between ground and air vehicles.

First of all, there can’t be balance between this 2, i understand what but getting killed by someone from 10 kilometres away, why you can’t see, can’t hear, can’t hide, DON’T get any warning is unfair.

About AA: it’s close to useless at top tier, radar can’t lock, rocket loses track, helicopters can just sit behind trees and you can’t do anything, jets just need to make slight turn and rocket flies other side.

It’s old story, where guys getting home cap, or 1-2 assist and spawning fully loaded jet. Lastly i noticed new trend: ground battle without any ground vehicle. Some guys taking heli first, gets free kills+ assists (all tanks can do is shot with 50cal, if has so it’s easiest kills) and take 2nd spawn jet.

Gaijin has to do something about it, people complaining about “1 death leave” players, but when you getting focused by heli 1st minute of game doesn’t adds interest of continue spawning.

Few words about “1 death leave” players: there is no point to spawn 2nd or 3rd time, why? Let me explain:

-vehicles are fast, battles are fast, after 1st wave of players match is decided who wins

-if your team wins, best course of action will be 1 max 2 kills on enemy spawn and waste 5-7 min camping spawn, so it’s profitable to just leave and join next battle.

-if your team loses, you won’t be able to even leave spawn, every position is hold by enemies plus CAS watches spawn so can’t hide anywhere. Spawning 2nd-3rd time mostly means give free kills to enemy, that’s why most players choose to leave after losing 1st spawn.

-believe me, majority of players have lineups at top tier, it’s just pointless, every bush is shooting at you, every cloud launches missiles or laser guided bombs and it’s not fun at all plus, let’s be clear: most players want to play only ground, but current battles are full of CAS and helicopters which, as i said before, doesn’t adds interest.

I know i will get ocean of hate from CAS lovers, but i don’t care, current high tier battles showing us what’s problem. Yes there’s lvl 15 guys who bought FUJI and doesn’t have anything more, but when you see guy left after 1 death just check playercards and you will see, most of them have lineups, but no will to continue match. I wander why??

I’m almost always checking playercards and i see only 3 reasons: 1st of all CAS, 2nd bad maps, 3rd no lineup.


Sorry there’s been discussion for years on this that Gaijin refuses to change. CAS players also can’t seem to wrap their head around a separate combined arms q that would be fine.


There’s no way that anyone can’t wrap their heads around it, it’s just we don’t see why you should get your own mode to grind away in without threat…


Existence of Air only mode tells me there should a Tank only mode as well.


You’re mis-reading that as that’s from prior to tanks being in, and the basis of that mode makes ground vehicles a waste…

You want to play a ground mode, that is vulnerable to air… You want to put those ground units into a mode that they wouldn’t be able to do anything against the air because the map being 100kmx100km makes it clear your want is clouding your vision.

Honestly, that old ‘There’s an air mode’ argument is so overly relied on, it’s actually embarrasing that you still put it out there… It shows true insanity.

But by all means, make a SUGGESTION to add in SPAA and tank options to play those matches, and I’d support it… That may actually shut you up hopefully.


Doesn’t really matter what came first, this is a combined arms game and all modes should be just that.

And who said maps need to be 100x100km ?

This is just about equality, if planes can play without any third party getting mixed up, then why tanks can’t ?


Well, Air isn’t combined, so you’re missing that part of the point.

That’s what Air RB has…

Make the suggestion then… Add SPAA and tanks to the AI battles on the maps, and make it so it’s also combined…

Again, then it might shut down all you guys who produce that worn out ‘But Air RB’ argument… It’s so lame duck that you only say it to bolster your want for a tank only mode which isn’t coming…

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I can only imagine the pain of a 10vs10 top tier jet match on ground rb sized air maps

I know it’s funny for players like you to bomb and launch missiles from 10 km away and get kills, but look whole situation, nobody wants to play after 1 death (i explained why) i just want equality, so ground players had something to defend themselves.

Also about “air battles was first mode in game” nonsense, i know what I’m playing this game about since then, i know what was first mode and i remember how 50 kg bombs could destroy even mouse, how rockets was annihilating everything. Because air was first, doesn’t means it should be everywhere and strongest, as i wrote before: I Just want balance.

If Gaijin gives us only ground mode, current ground battles will be like ships, you will know each other by names. I

understand gaijin won’t do it, because they don’t care and that’s why I’m not going to buy any vehicle in game, developers just don’t care what players like me want, so I’m not going to support them.


I’m sorry I play the game to ‘ruin’ it for players like you, but that’s the thing, it’s part of the damn game…

I’m tired of being made out like I’m the asshole for playing the game as it’s set up to be.

Cool story, but hardly relevant… You signed up in 2018… Yea…

According to this, you were 4 years past the implementation of tanks…

That wasn’t what I said at all, but I said it’s stupid to complain about the mode being there and use it as a justification of the complaint that they don’t have a tank only mode… It’s commonly put out, but ignored as to why it’s there and why adding ground units to such a mode wouldn’t work.

Who says people don’t already… I commonly see people I recognize in battles anywhere. I don’t need to see the same people match after match to recognize anyone.

First of all, it’s my 2nd account i created 7 years ago.

2nd you talking like everything is as it should be. CAS is biggest problem and every normal person should admit, but you keep saying it’s how game works.

We are posting and talking about it so maybe Gaijin will do some positive changes.

And why you defending developers so furiously i don’t understand.


This is a debacle that will last till the heat death of the universe.


Doesn’t matter, it’s what’s visible in the first place… Doesn’t change the basis of what I said…

CAS is the biggest problem for you, and you can’t say that every normal person would agree with you because no-body will ever agree on everything.

This is the most common ‘problem’ posted on the forum, hence the situation that so many threads are suggested when they are created, and so many threads get closed redirecting them to the existing ones.

What’s the developers got to do with this thread, as the issue I see is a player one. Not every issue that you find is up to be ‘fixed’ or the ‘fault’ of the developers… Not every response you get is ‘defending’ the developers…

I’d just appreciate it if people would actually get past their death in a PvP game, where something is a part of the game.

It doesn’t need to change, just because you died to it… There can be actual solutions put forth other than the time-old ‘tank only’ peddling that’s done by a certain few…

Maybe you need to be a bit more aware of the room rather than just saying we’re shills for not agreeing with you.

Hence why I mentioned the portion ‘players like you’ and the ‘normal’ throwouts… Both of these are just mere labels, and any disagreement with you, will make you angered because you have no regard for anyone who DARES to object, hence the labelistic nature of your statements.

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Now CAS is my problem right? You said here’s many posts about CAS so it’s not only my problem. If players posting this often, means many of us have problems with CAS right?

What’s wrong with your logic bro?

I don’t mind if plane or helicopter gets me of guard, but it shouldn’t be balanced, that’s what I’m talking about.

And you still acting like everything is okay, like everything works like it should be.

You wrote “answer” about everything i wrote except one: why are defending Gaijin so furiously???


If you’ve got a suggestion to make, then make it… Additions are the way forward, not hand-holding and segregation to aid the afflicted.

It’s not that hard to figure out an SPAA to add, or another system to actually make the planes not want to bomb you… It’s not that hard to be honest.

That’s your interpretation, but it doesn’t mean you’re correct.

I did actually answer that…

So yea, maybe stop being so upset and aggrieved and read your own thread.


That’s the point, if a game is truly combined arms, then all modes should be just that.
If it’s not, then all military branches should be given a way to play alone, so gatekeeping just one from having just that because “combined arms game” is a moot argument.

Things can change, just like some maps in GRB got huge areas blocked off by invisible force that’s red zone.

Again, some equality should be present in the game. Air and Ground are two similarly sized branches and should have same opportunities.

Also, being so hostile towards a new mode which won’t even affect your preferred mode is weird.


Maps don’t need to be as small as GRB ones.
You can incentivize people to come to a certain area by placing something impactful (like caps) there.

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You’re telling us its not the developers problem so when we try put forth solutions ourselves you shoot us down like this. We try point out the imbalance and suggest alternatives we just get told to bring it to the devs. I just want to be able to play my favourite vehicles without having to revolve my gameplay around one or two players spamming CAS (note I’m not of the opinion that they’re abusing it) I don’t think a ground only mode is needed quite frankly, but something has got to change.


Can we please use reasonable and sensible arguments?

I absolutely loathe CAS, but your arguments about “add SPAA to Air RB/SB” just delegitimizes the position by association through its ridiculousness.

Let’s focus on actually sensible suggestions and criticisms such as:

  1. Tank only mode. Some might argue about matchmaker and queue times, but there’s precedent for unique modes in form of Naval AB/RB EC and the way coastal/bluewater BRs are set-up to allow for coastal only matches.
  2. Balancing CAS loadout SP costs so that you cannot just take a light tank and cap 1 point with some non-lethal hits and then spawn in a dominant aircraft with overwhelming air-ground ordnance. Air-to-ground loadout, especially on more agile airframes, should cost significant spawn points requiring a minimum competence to spawn - say 2 or 3 same or up-BR vehicle kills with 3-4 critical hits and equivalent in assists. A heavy fat attacker with the same ordnance as a fast and agile fighter with the same ordnance should cost less, as the fat attacker is easier to CAP and SPAA.
  3. Balancing CAP costs to be cheaper AND ALLOW RESEARCHING GROUND VEHICLES WITH. Flying CAP for me is a massive troll/griefing - I don’t enjoy flying in tiny shoeboxes, I dislike airspawn mechanics, I dislike low altitude dogfights. At least rewards are good? Nope. Rewards go to planes I already researched rather than the tank I want to unlock.
  4. Making Time-to-Threaten take longer. At the moment, aircraft take less than a minute to be able to drop a bomb or strafe a vehicle and even when RTBing and rearming it doesn’t take longer than 3 minutes to drop bomb (timer start), fly the 5-7 km to airfield, belly land without consideration for realism, repair in 15 seconds and drop a second bomb (timer end). Runways at BRs 1-3 are fine. At 3-6 need to be 12 km out minimum. At 6-8.7 20 km. Idk what’s appropriate for vietnam or modern.
  5. Remove airspawns as part of 4 and force runway take-offs
  6. Also significantly nerf airfield AAA (hitscan ftw… not)
  7. Give every player a random spawn “Fighter” plane that’s under-BR’d for the match like naval realistic has as an option.
  8. Fix the maps so that it doesn’t funnel everyone into 2-3 hotspots that make bombing people way too easy. More frontlines. More spawn zones (ideally: entire edge of the map).
  9. Fix ground SB matchmaker. Give us more brackets like air sim EC. By virtue of cockpit view and full-real controls, CAS is far less potent in ASB (and thus GSB even more) because dive bombing with mouse aim vs dive bombing with stick & rudder is a very different skill floor. Modern jets probably reduce the skill floor difference with guided munitions - I don’t have such planes to test the theory, only saw top-tier ASB streams in a10 by squishface.
    In ARB, strafing ground targets and bombing NPCs is easy mode farming when you can’t get kills.
    In ASB, trying to drop bombs onto tanks without dedicated bombsights has been… a challenge in the F4U-4. I will stick to dogfighting.
    There’s a reason in real life you don’t have stories of bf109s dropping 50kg bombs right onto enemy tanks and why, instead, everyone spent so much effort developing rockets they fired en masse.
    It’s stupid that if I wanted to drive my cent mk3 today, I’d be fighting 11.0 tanks in my 7.7 vehicle.
    It’s stupid if I wanted to drive my firefly, I legit couldn’t because it’s 2_1 day.

Your insistance on “what if spaa in ARB/ASB hue hue” makes us look like fools who have zero clue about what we want and just trolls to be ignored.


Adding air caps to air rb is an awful idea.

They need to itemize sp costs. Have each bomb/missile/ect cost sp.