No they will not. If they would It would have been labeled as a bug and accepted.
Instead what happened is they said cool we don’t care and will say its a suggestion.
No they will not. If they would It would have been labeled as a bug and accepted.
Instead what happened is they said cool we don’t care and will say its a suggestion.
Also HEAT has been somehow nerfed again, because overpressure doesn’t occurs against open top vehicles no more or at least not always.
just why
next update ?
Since last update. Its been worse than ever. Look to some Spookston videos or play with heat you’ll see.
??? the heat was no nerf
It’s really bad hesh, 2 shots on a tiger 1 and I won’t kill it with the fv4005. it doesn’t make sense. But does the fv4005 have ~22kg of tnt or more?
IRL if the FV4005 shot any tank the 183 MM round it should would just knock out the tank lol.
BTW they buffed the Harriers
but so does anyone know how many kg of explosive the fv4005 has. But this hesh is so unrealistic it’s crazy.
nice , go buffed the hesh now .
I will try.
how do you plan to go about it ?
Writing another bug report.
thank you , you help everyone like that especially me because this my tanks prefer before (the hesh). Provide all the necessary information and let’s try to bring as many people as possible to realize that the hesh is zero because on the x-ray on war thunder it looks like everything is fine but in the game it’s something else.
Yes I will try. I saw your player profile and you have an extremely impressive battle history in the fv4005