decided to play the FV4005 and Centurion Mk.5 AVRE hesh slingers after a while…
It actually spalls less than APCR it’s ridiculous.
HESH should spall? I don’t think it ever pierces the enemy armor.
if it doesn’t just completely obliterate the armor in front of it, it sends a shockwave through the armor than can generate spall on the other side. That’s why it has higher pen values than normal HE.
As someone said which I can’t remember to credit for: Use HESH as HE but not HESH as HESH. Aims for thinner spots and that’s it, we don’t know when Gaijin will ‘fix’ HESH as the way it should work, with shockwaves and stuff, HESH is a multilayered thing, the players don’t have any kind of ammunition that does that.
Yeah, I know, it’s just disappointing that you have to play a HESH slinger like an HE slinger and not a HESH slinger.
also, HESH has been somewhat functional in the past. Idk why gaijin keeps butchering it…