Help with TV missiles

good night for all, guys i trying to use TV missiles in the a10 premium, but after that i lock the target the cam of maverick missiles do not unlock more, i press the buttom but the cam dont unlock the target
someone can help me

sorry my bad english

The problem here is you have multiple targets in the frame.

You can unlock the target by pulling the TV camera off the target with your mouse not and using the key bind.

the TV is looking for the contrast difference between the target and ground, your best bet is looking for targets that are not next to other dead or alive players’ tanks.

Hitting the lock button with a dead tank in the frame will cause the TV to pick the biggest contrast difference and in this case its the Dead tank.

Even with single targets, the camera locks and even if I pull the camera out of the missile’s view, it doesn’t unlock for anything.

Key bind issue?
what have yo got set?

You have Alt-RMB for Sight Stabilisation (SS) this means when you turn on the seeker (Lock target) and I’m assuming you have that set to Alt -MRB as well, this means you are telling it to lock the ground.

Edit - You do not want SS on when Locking a target it makes the seeker head that is gambled (Can freely move) locked to what you clicked on doesn’t matter if the target is moving away its Locked to the Point you clicked on.

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My friend, thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. You saved me; I’ve been dealing with this problem for months and didn’t know how to solve it.

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All goods mate :)