Also fair
Does anybody on here even realise that a good network of Yugoslav air defenses stopped Apache’s from even being deployed on combat missions in Kosovo? I mean they dont even fly if they think they are going to come up against anything other than a farmer with a pitchfork.
They seriously had to rethink the Attack Helicopters use when they found they were so susceptible to rifle fire and Warthunder use them in the game like they do is pure fantasy.
I think they only ever had one helicopter vs helicopter battle in history and that was hardly a battle.
Gaijin need to think about what is fun and what works in the game not just put it in because it exists and not get into a fuss over Spal liners and DU.
Does anybody have trust in Gaijin to implement longbows and longbow radar into the game in a way that wont set it backwards?
Thats what I meant .
i don’t want just want the longbow
i want Brimstone
I wouldn’t trust Gaijin to model an Me 110 right now
I totally agree with this. We need to stop thinking the solution to Gaijin’s botched implementation to be adding something way more powerful so that they’re balanced when added. If something is wrongly modeled, demand Gaijin to model it properly. Then, balance it with its BR appropriately true to its actual real life capabilities.
Literally the reason why I was not happy with the way they added F-16C (no AIM 120 and instead AIM 7M) or the gimped flight model of SU-27 or even the AH-64D we have in game right now. If the game isn’t ready for the vehicle, then don’t add them YET. If you add them, you better model them true to life capabilities and balance them only via BR placement instead of forcing X to be at BR 10.0, but artificially halving its performance…
Uh, nice non-fact based opinion (your pitchfork comment). The non-use of the Apache had more to do with logistics bloat, lack of leadership at high levels, and poor operational planning & arguments over C2 than you portray. You should look into the British use of Apache in Libya. They went knowingly into areas with significant manpad , AA, and advanced SAM threats. They had a scoped, well-defined mission and avoided some of the ancillary issues that led to the non-use of the Apache in Kosovo.
Do not let recent history and facts interfere with your video game expertise though. Also, make sure to only give one vignette, and not even a more recent one, to support your (incomplete) viewpoint on the Apache and their crews. You should read a bit more…including the book Apache over Libya…incredible first-hand account.
As an infantryman, I appreciate and respect the Apache and their pilots who have used solid tactics and courage to go into threat environments to help the ground pounder against far more than pitchforks.
I’d rather get PARs than spikes. Spikes are super slow.
I’m still really amused that Gaijin thinks the AGM-114L is too powerful to be introduced.
Let’s be real, 95% of ground vehicle players don’t even realize that a F&F missile is headed their way, causing the first missile to be a very high chance crippling blow for the player, and you have a ~5 second window against follow up missiles AFTER deploying smoke before it loses guidance, which is a big enough window for a follow-up missile to finish you off. Breaking LOS or sitting next to dead vehicles are a much better solution to keep F&F heli missiles off your back anyways, I don’t get why Gaijin is stuck on this point…
If Gaijin thinks it’s tOo pOwErFuL then just give us reduced loadouts or something; stupid that the Longbow Apache doesn’t have its Longbow Hellfires by now when we have AH60s with ×16 Spikes and Su-25SM3s with Kh-38s sitting at the back of the map killing half the team
Alternatively maybe make more map clutter to that spoofs ground radar like large cars and destroyed tanks if they think it’s too OP, I often hear from an Apache pilot friend where this is a very real issue. I honestly think gameplay-wise it isn’t a stretch to introduce at this point.
No, artificially nerfing loadouts should never happen.
And the game doesn’t need ARH AGMs.
The only way Apaches get them is if they go to BR 14.
Why? The only benefit they have over current IR missiles is they have the ability to fire through smoke which just reduces only one of three ways you can already defeat them, and most players aren’t even aware that F&F missiles are headed their way to engage in effective counterplay.
And I don’t mind the BR being raised if it’s warranted, and while I don’t agree with it, Gaijin already artificially nerfs loadouts for the sake of balance so… it really isn’t a stretch to introduce it at this point.
People already incorrectly thing faster matches = faster progression [it doesn’t].
People already prefer smaller maps to make weaker armored tanks more equal to T-90M and 2A7V.
People do not need yet another reason to prefer urban maps; SPAA players just need to communicate when CAS is in the air, and ARHs need to stay out of the game until random battles can ban specific weapon types.
IF and when Gaijin can ban specific weapons from random battles, say AGM-114Ls are banned from random matches, sure they can be added for people that want to use them in custom battles.
Weapon banning isn’t even in the game and faster matches is kinda besides the point though, and most maps aside from open desert maps already provide adequate cover from helicopter F&F missiles as of now.
If Gaijin reaches a point (and they’re slowly getting there with the amount of powercreep and F&F spam from aircraft) they will have to tweak the game and add mechanics to make it playable eventually, which leads to things like loadout balancing and others. Personally, I think adding clutter that makes locking missiles difficult would already alleviate the issues we are currently having with the F&F spam, and Gaijin continues dancing around the point that it’s too powerful for years now feels kinda half-assed.
Also currently US/UK/Japanese/Chinese top helis are stuck without an equal, and I think Longbow Apaches have it the worst as of now: The AGM-114K is one of the slowest top tier helicopter missiles which has difficulty hitting moving targets and those that pass into trees even, and require a very long lase time unopposed for it to connect. You have Ka-52s, Mi-28s, Tiger helis, AH-60s, and AH129s dominating the scene with great missiles of their own, (and the Z-10 can somewhat compensate with decent AA missiles). Basically that leaves the Apaches in this state where they’re stuck with 10.3 BR missiles trying to contend at top BRs. The only way I can see the Apaches to stand out at this point is either to give it proper IOG for the Hellfires so that LOAL with a SALH missile is possible, or buddy lasing with the K Hellfires, or just giving it the Longbow variant.
It’s much faster than Spike, add AH-64E with spike would be fine enough.
If they modelled the current clutter to have radar interference, it would be fine. Smoke with chaff elements would also help a lot.
With the way current radar works, the longbow would have zero interference.
But Spikes are F&F so it entirely negates the issue in which the Apache needs to continue lasing with the SALH Hellfires?
Also gaijin: proceeds to introduce SU-34 with 6 Kh-38MT
Hellfire is unable to cope with Gaijin’s coding and resolve its position.
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