Helicopters to sim

This idea would be very cool and make sim more like DCS which is a good thing imo. Stuff like picking up casualties as missions etc would be super cool to see for both heli pilots and plane pilots.

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How would it make sim more like DCS? Wouldn’t it make it less like DS allowing more mouse aim gunner controls and ridiculous arcade mechanics to sim?

It would only affect mission design, but that would still be very different. The gameplay however would mocve further away from DCS.

I like helicopters, but without a proper implementation they have no place in Sim.

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This is an excellent idea! There was another video put out recently about this doing a little Jet vs Heli experimentation; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-1B4nAwHEk&t=137s

Yes just add them according to br brackets. Form there on it can be redifend its all about aproch… Some hellis wilnwin some jets wil win all about situation and planning