in ground RB somehelis (mi8 at 9.7 for USSR) gets all aspect AtA missiles, the issue is is them flying on the ground sitting below/behind the jet air spawn and instantly killing all air. you cant fight them as they are behind the spawn and the only way to get them is with another heli. can the air spawns be moved further back, to a point where only jets/planes can go not ground, drones or helis?
Hey, there are usually two helicopter spawns for each team. I had the same problem before, even made a suggestion on how to fix it, which was partially implemented.
You can also see if there is any enemy air vehicle within the spawn area before you spawn - it’s displayed as red dot on the map if you select any aircraft (for full map view). So if there is enemy heli camping your heli spawn, pick the further spawn and you should be able to deal with the threat from safe distance ;)
Did you read this?
… sitting below/behind the jet air spawn …
Missed that part… Still, you should be able to see it and spawn from the airfield instead?
I love spawning the 9.0 gazelle and camping the close heli spawn with mistrals.
In theory there should be a counter to it where the team spawns a jet or something and comes to flank or kill me, but the reality is that this game does not have any teamwork 95% of the time so I get to punish air spawns for free because no one communicates or pays attention. I don’t think it’s a solvable problem since ultimately you can’t make your team care that someone is doing it. That being said, most of the time those low tier helis are just looking to score some free kills on helpless ground targets, so I don’t see what’s wrong with someone countering them in the same way.
the issue lies in getting said guy, cant get him with ground spaa as hes too far, jet because hes camping said spawn. only way is with a heli and unless your heli has ATA missiles or some sort of weapon that can be used in such role you cant do jack
not much else for helis to do since a single 5.56 bullet disables the entire helicopter.
I mean I’d expect that’s quite easy for a 55.6mm bullet
Yeah, if it meets the German it will be even worse bro as they are using 76.2mm.
Puny American soy guns vs German Chad guns
Except you can always spawn from the airfield, which is defended. Skill issue
meanwhile every american missile penetrates more than anything germany puts out.
My comment was meant in jest, nothing serious lol
i know
You can also spawn on the airfield.
And since airplanes are more than capable of (and often do) hang out around the opposing helicopter spawn points, I don’t see much of a reason to protect the air spawn points.
At a higher but not top tier wherever you spawn and WOOOOSH the TY90, while we have no heli rotor doppler signal nor enough IR signal and have to go guns & usually only 60 countermeasures
And top tier it is a story of Guns Only against auto aim 2a42, which is another topic
Incredibly based. Send those helis my regards.
The biggest problem with doing this is most of the helicopters lack the range and arsenal to cover more than just jet spawn.
Much better to set an ambush between the ground map and the air map and catch anything moving to the ground map