The helicopter pve mode is ok at best but it needs some serious overhaul, three suggestions I have is either,
spawn everything at the start so 10 people don’t have to fight over one objective which tend to leave 2-3 players getting no score causing the mode to just be a waste of time however this is unrealistic because it is a lot of server processing.
Reduce the max players to 2min to 4max so everyone can have fun
Just make the mode have a solo only option so you can go alone to just peacefully grind out helicopters, or go with the normal mode and play with a bunch of people.
i personally dont think the solo option is a good thing, but so far i can agree, that heli pve needs changes and i would love to see max 4 player lobbies being implemented, but we know how gaijin is with this type of changes.
also to the first point, there is definitely something wrong with how PVE spawns objectives, as once i had a match where for 15 minutes straight at start, literally 0 objectives spawned, and i made it to the other side of the map before anything spawned, and other time i had a battle spawn instantly before i even took off.
since im on topic of objective spawns, i would also like to see gaijin fix the problem where a convoy would straight up spawn under me/in the fireing distance of SPAA out of the blue.
and ofc last thing, would be to increase the rewards, because even if you do very well in the match, its like 20k rp for 1 hour of gaming minimum :)
Can we have a middle bracket made already for love of god?
How are we supposed to get anything done in stuff like oh-58, ah6m, ah1f, bo105’s etc, when we are supposed to compete against KA-50’s and helis with F&F missiles.
i would suggest, keeping the low bracket to max of 9.3, so what it is now, then start a middle bracket at 9.7 and stop it at like 10.3, and then have 10.7-11.0 bracket where there are ka-50 and helis with F&F.
Also to support this idea, De-compressing and changing the br’s in heli PVE would be really beneficial, because:
Some helis are better in heli PVE, and some are better at GRB/GSB etc. for example, Sa341F is better at heli PVE, thanks to the gun, and SA342M is better at GRB/GSB, due to the access to 4 hot-2 missiles. Or Italian and swedish huey, italian version is way better then swedish one due to the access to miniguns and rockets, and swedish one having missiles which you need to get far close in range to SPAA to fire, and ofc no guns, to kill the recoilless rifles on the battles for example.
Some helis are definetly not equal in firepower, but are on the same br, for example, swedish HKP 9 with 4xRB55C’s and no IRST Auto Tracket, and AH129C with 8xHellfire B’s Autotracker and AA missiles, are both at 9.7
Helicopter PvE can be repurposed as a punishment gamemode where if you get banned for teamkilling or whatever you are forced to play a certain number of full games in it before you can play normal modes again.
How the “gamemode” still hasnt gotten any major overhauls is beyond me. I’ve always felt that the gamemode was intended as a short term stop gap, meant to give players an alternative to GRB whilst working on something better after the removal Heli PvP.
What? at least 1 maybe 2 years later? and it still hasnt been updated significantly. Heck last time I played it (a while ago) most convoys still bugged through the floor making them nearly untargetable. WIth helis now armed with 16x Spikes, I just dont feel like Id ever get a kill with my hellfires anymore, not unless I was the only one there.
Add low tier bracket, pretty much a play pen on smaller maps for really slow/bad/poorly armed helicopters like the Mi-4/Scout/Wasp/Allouette/Swedish+German Huey etc. nothing more dangerous than the current ZSU-23-4 or M113 in here
Mid tier bracket for Mi-24A-P/8s/AH-1G-F/Bo-105s etc
High Tier bracket for Apaches/Vipers/Ka-50/52/Mi-28/Tigers etc.
Replace the aircraft spawns with more suitable targets e.g. drones for higher tiers, remove from lowest tier since an Mi-4 isn’t really chasing anything down
Some of the objective coding might need looking at, I’ve been flooded with tasks to do in some games which is great and other times I’ve been flying around on City with nothing spawning for 10 minutes. Not to mention the Capture A/Land on any Pad bugging out, friendly convoys only spawning on certain maps etc.
Some thematic objectives for transport capable Helicopters.
Some flareable IR threats for flavour at high tier
Personally, i think cap of 5/4 people on highier tiers (tigers, ka50’s, viper etc.) is more appropriate
the Mi-4/Scout/Wasp/Allouette/Swedish+German Huey etc. nothing more dangerous than the current ZSU-23-4 or M113 in here
I could also see something like the Falcon, amx 30 dca etc. being reused in that tier, since they were low threat before aswell, just to spice things up aswell.
Replace the aircraft spawns with more suitable targets e.g. drones for higher tiers, remove from lowest tier since an Mi-4 isn’t really chasing anything down
With that change, i would hope that the drones would fly lower then the current AD4’s, since you can lock an AD4 only from like 4.3 km away with IR missile, and i could imagine that drones would require being even closer.
Research Aircraft with Helicopters option
Honestly i don’t see a reason why, as aircraft are prob the easiest to grind in game.
The biggest issue I face in heli PvE is people with decked out 11.7 premiums in the same match as my 9.3 TT that has barely working missiles. What am I supposed to do?
To me, the PvE mode seemed like a great place for people to spade their helis, as trying to do so in a real battle is a pain, combined with the recent changes to damage model, which basically made it so any hit to the fuselage, even a low cal MG, destroys your weapon systems.
So, here I am, 9.3 heli with the very meh TOWs, and next to me spawns a Ka-50 that has everything unlocked by default. I am desperately trying to do at least something. When the match ends after around 40 or so minutes, I come out with 5k RP because he by himself killed the entire enemy force or convoy, not to mention there is usually several of them.
So yeah, great, only 5 more hours and maybe I will have one of the modifications researched… There is just NO FUCKING REASON for people with premium helicopters in this gamemode. If they’re researching TT helis, then just go to ground RB, it is much faster, especially when you tick researching helicopters with ground vehicles.
I would really like to play helicopters, but if I am playing ground rub, I want to play ground vehicles. If I play air rb, I want to play air-to-air focused fighters. I wish there was some kind of strike mode to play my multi-role/strike aircraft and perhaps helis vs decent AI adversaries mixed in with players perhaps. I don’t know, just wish there was something more focused on helicopter gameplay.