Helicopter modification requirements and research inconsistency

The issue is centered around inconsistent behavior of Gun pod related modifications for helicopters.

Some helicopters come stock with some sort of MG or cannon.
Others do not.

Some helicopters have research modifications for Gun Pods, others do not.

This itself is fine.

The problem starts with Gun Pods, that also have subsequent modifications for it, related to “New Xmm MGs/cannons”.
Some of those are direct requirement, for others you can research it directly without even having the modification for which they apply to, and for 3rd… you do not have such modification.

This presents a bug, which seems to be a design oversight.

Example 1:
Mi-24V/P have stock 12.7mm/30mm MG/Cannon. Have modifications for it.
They have Tier 3 UPK-23-250 gunpod modification, which provides a 23mm gun pod.
Subsequently, it has “Offensive 23mm” modification, which provides custom belts.
They also have a Tier 3 Gun Pod GUV-8700, which provides 1x12.7mm and 2x7.62mm MGs per pod.
Then on Tier 4, you have a “New 7mm MGs” modification for research. It is not required to have any previous modification for it. So if you research it, you gain nothing, since you cant use the weapon for which its made.

Example 2:
Mi-8AMTSh has stock 7.62mm turret. Has a modification for it.
It has a Tier 2 “UPK-23-250” gunpod modification, same as on the Mi-24V/P.
It has Tier 1 “New 7mm MG”, which is applied to the stock 7.62mm turret.
It also has Tier 1 “Gun Pod GUV-8700” modification, same one as on the Mi-24V/P.
It has subsequent modifications for it “New 7mm MGs” and “New 12mm MGs”, that require the previous one to be researched.

Example 3:
EC-665 Tiger UHT has no stock gun.
It has Tier 1 “FN HMP400 LLC” modification for a 12.7mm gun.
Then it has subsequent Tier 3 modification for “FN M3P LC” 12.7mm gun pod.
And on the side, completely unrelated to them you have Tier 2 “Offensive 12.7mm” modification with subsequent Tier 4 “New 12mm MGs”.

This leads to researching and buying modifications that are:

  1. Not needed,
  2. Duplicate.
  3. Entirely in wrong order

Most of all, this is absolutely inconsistent.

It affects probably 50% of all helicopters. Does not seem like a clear design decision is present, which leads to modifications not being tied to the main weapon they are supposed to be for - or in other words, BUGs.

Im posting this here, because 99.9% i am sure it will be closed down if reported as bug.
And if i post it in the Suggestions subforum, it will not be approved…

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