Helicopter choices

I want to start playing helicopters. I will probably start in heli PvE (I know it is not great and maybe not even good but I want to get used to flying and fighting in a low stress environment). I know I should probably start at entry helicopters, but I ultimately am only interested in newer gunship type helicopters, so in this case I want to start my learning experience with one of these helis and since I am starting in heli PvE I will not be hurting my team.

With that said, which of the following helicopters do you think I should grind/buy to give me the “best chance” of enjoying this experience and expanding my play into Ground RB and possibly sim? I do have tanks and aircraft in all of these trees, so I will be able to branch out into ground RB eventually (assuming I like helis).

  • Apache AH-64A (GR) - US premium (outside of price, is this “better” than the French AH-64D in some way?)
  • Apache AH-64D - French premium, Netherlands
  • AH-60 - Israel tech tree

Thank you!

None of them. Ka50 will do u the best. But if u have to grind Apache maybe US premium, u definitely will need a lineup, and preferably one with strong tanks or at least numbers. Good luck though, PVE is a bit long.

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Thank you. I do have full top tier tank line-ups for each of the nations listed (and a few more ;)

The Ka50 dominates everything (so balanced!) but the 64A will give you the best chances of the 3 listed

Thank you! I am curious, why does the AH-64A (US) give me a better opportunity than the Dutch AH-64D(FRA)?

Better tree

Hmm, better heli tree. I definitely see that.

Better tanks and teams…not in my honest opinion even though the French tree lacks top tier light tanks. The US teams with 50 Clickbaits of widely divergent skill levels are hard to enjoy.

Thanks again!

France has a better top tier heli to grind for, and a quicker grind due to fewer helis in the tree than America.

Thanks…so the Tiger HAD Block 2 is pretty good. That is great. I definitely prefer French in Ground RB over US…at least right now due to team composition.

As others has already point out. US has better tech tree (larger) and still have potential to expand more than French and Israel. But that also mean long grind due to many stuff are already there .
Though as you said US still suffer from 1 death-leaver from Clickbaits. As Gaijin still didn’t try to balance them via match maker yet. It probably will get stabilize in the future though. (hopefully)

Soviet Ka-50 are the best heli premium choice atm as they have good tech tree and still have decent gameplay experience and didn’t suffer from 1 death-leaver as much as US. Though you’ll have to get use to their MBTs weakness.

Overall it really come down to personal preference. Israel / French for shorter grind and decent RB teammate. US,Soviet for a long run.

Thanks for all the input. I played a few games of Heli PvE…I know not enough, but there really is not much to like with the auto-spawning right under me of more SPAA, etc. If there was a real heli mode, I would probably stick to it. I think all my helicopter flying will be in DEX or DCS.

Thank you again though for all the advice.

honestly I would recommend something from the TT to start out if your trying to get used to helicopters.