How does one deal with a KH38 they basicaly spawn camp helicopter spawn
Do they? What Simulator battles* has to do with Kh-38 and Helicopters, I’m confused.
Depending on what you’re flying, most helicopters became more than a ‘free target’ rather than a problem for the enemy team,
A Kh-38 is one of the least problems of a helicopter in top tier match, since you’re not supposed to use as air-to-air missile.
when flying ground sim i fly as a helicopter and the russian teams will just sqawn camp the airfield using anti tank missles they have the range and the pull
im flying top tier sim
Depending on the map you can’t do nothing, like American Desert, is a plain desert, you won’t find cover from a missile usually shoot from above,
If I’m not wrong no helicopter is capable to lock into small object e.g. missiles, best you can do is hide behind rocks if the splash damage doesn’t destroy your vehicle.
they need to do somthing about this its really anoying when i spawn move like 20 ft and get hit by my heli spawn because a bunch of su aircraft are just camping it
no wonder no one plays helicopter when you get shit on by an anti tank missile that miraculusly pulls 20g
thanks for your input i really like flying helicopter with my sim setup its just that there is no real way to use them in any game mode the heli ec is dominated by the ka 29 and such because their missles have the longest range and rb and sim your front spawn is already inside the range of russian aa
so there is no point in flying when as soon as you spawn a missle hits you
i have enough fuel to fly if they were to move them back but giagin