Heli PvE Discussion

Anyone else want to see more objectives and mechanics added to Heli PvE? I enjoy helicopters quite a bit, but heli PvE is the only game mode dedicated to helis and at times it can get a quite…monotonous. It would have little to no effect on the rest of the game so why not?

What if we could:

Transport troops?



Evacuate Casualties?



Move cargo?


Use door gunners?


Destroy light vehicle convoys?


Attack naval targets or deploy from Carriers?



Are there any additional features or changes you would like to see in heli PvE?


It’s already over for helicopters, they dumped the grind on ground forces and they feel it excuses them from having to improve heli PvE.


More/Fairer BR brackets would be nice. Rocket-only helis like the Japanese Huey shouldn’t have to compete with the early gunships and attack helicopters, and those shouldn’t have to compete with monsters like the AH-64s, KA-XX, and various other long-range helis.

For example…

Lowest Bracket

  • Utility helis/Rocket/Gun-only attack helis. Slightly less threatening SPAA than ZSU/Gepard on convoys/battlefields/bases.

Medium (Current low) bracket

  • ATGM-equipped attack helis, 3.75km-7km missiles. Same as current lowest-bracket heli PvE, ZSU/Gepard/Falcon.

High-tier (Current high bracket)

  • Helis with 8km/higher range missiles, higher-range SPAA on convoys/battlefields, same Roland 1s on bases.

As with most modes, this little bit of decompression would help vastly. Especially for a lot of 9.3/9.7 helis that can’t really deal with the current high-tier bracket…


yeah, Mi-8AMTSh has to compete in the top bracket with onlt Shturms, because it has Iglas. Shturms are ok to deal with stationary Gepards, but aren’t enough to deal with Rolands.

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Still waiting for a Sim Heli PvE. How is this not an option?


Yeah, playing my stock AH-1E has been hellish against exclusively Gepards and Rolands…

28 rockets total across 4 pods, competing with KAs and AH-64s, Eurocopters and Rooivalks…


I wish they would have dumped the grind on to aircraft. Would have made helicopters a bit more accessable since aircraft are easier to grind.


Yeah, it’s a shame the stock grind for helicopters is still so painful.


Aircraft is actually easy to grind, relatively, so they wouldn’t do that.
And it still doesn’t solve the problem with modules, so helicopters continue to be whale bait it seems.


Yeah, the SPAA thing drives me insane. I hate watching players get shot down by convoys and Rolands before they can even get close enough to damage them.

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To further add to that earlier suggestion, maps like Afghanistan/Canyon just need to go lol

Cover is a very important part of Heli warfare in this game, and those maps either lack it or make it meaningless (and Canyon’s ZA-35s are bugged to be death machines)


Canyon really does need to go or at least be overhauled. Every vehicle in the convoy can shoot you down at around 3-4km and bases spawn right next to the convoy spawn. Battles also rarely spawn on canyon.


It’s the worst map by far. Even if Afghanistan is pretty bad, it does at least have some terrain cover and convoys that don’t aimbot you the second you enter their range…

Vietnam is alright, and pretty much every other map is pretty damn good comparatively.

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This map is the worst but heli battle itself feels like a punishment! I would like to know the story behind this!

The project was given to the intern with a 24 hours deadline?

The dev was challenged to create the mode without his hands?

Razervon was licking his toes under the desk during the project, which was distracting?


My main issue is “how the hell I am supposed to grind modules for my helicopters” whatever I do it takes forever…


It’s extremely predatory, when you consider many helicopters you have to rocket rush in grb just to unlock ATGMs. GJN are basically trying to force you to pay for modules. Freemium gaming.


Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to do it unless you spend money on a premium account and a talisman. Even then, it still takes forever. I don’t think people would mind the grind as much if the gameplay was actually fun. As of now it only consists of getting shot down by 2S38s, getting shot down by jets, getting shot down by SPAA, camping and shooting ATGMs, tickling tanks with rockets before immediately getting evaporated, and racing other players to targets in PvE. I think more objectives in PvE would fix most of that.


Yeah it’s super annoying to grind. In GRB, the rewards are somewhat very low even if you get a kill or two (At least I am currently grinding the Swedish, so I have ATGM right from the start) and the PVE takes so long for very boring targets/objectives…

I am sad because as usual Gaijin nailed the controls, making helis very usable but they are just so bad to grind.

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The rewards you get for helis are terrible. I mean sure if you get 10 kills per game with a heli your rewards would be decent but it’s nearly impossible to get that many kills per match. Only way you’re doing that is by sitting above your helipad launching ATGMs IF a plane doesn’t shoot you down.

If I consistently got 3 kills per game in a heli, it would take me 188 games to unlock the next one in the tech tree. And yeah, you can use tanks to research them, but 4 kills WITH premium AND talismans only got me
4,840/300,000rp. Thats 61 games of consistently getting 4+ kills. The grind really doesn’t suck too bad it’s just the methods and game mechanics that make it unbearable. The rewards you get (especially for helis) really don’t scale to the amount of effort you have to go through to get them. It’s like trying to build a sandcastle with one grain of sand at a time or trying to make a liter of lemonade with one dehydrated lemon and no arms.


Add these, and make it PvP, as well as Simulator mode as well. Oh, also, make the heli RP either more grindable, or cheaper.