null He 115 C-1 | War Thunder Wiki
Can I land hydroplanes on Rivera that are nearby to base If I want to refuel, rearm and repair or I have to land in the airfield ?
null He 115 C-1 | War Thunder Wiki
Can I land hydroplanes on Rivera that are nearby to base If I want to refuel, rearm and repair or I have to land in the airfield ?
The airfield repair zone is very small and stops on the hill right outside it, you have to land your plane on the airfield if you want to repair and rearm
What Percussion said, if you struggle with this, try slow down to 120 knots before “pancaking” from a few feet off the ground (obviously with flaps)
on the airfeild
Technically seen you need to land on the airfield (as mentioned) very gently or you get a map with a friendly aircraft carrier like on Hokkaido; there it is enough to do a water landing very close to the carrier and you get repaired / rearmed / refueled.
Ofc you can also try to land on the carrier but it takes a while to get enough practice to avoid crashing into the tower. The advantage of a carrier landing is an air spawn after the repair like on the regular airfield. Seeing your low number of battles i do not recommend this…
Btw: Use the C 250 Flamm, 2 kill a base - 2 SC 250 or 1 x SC 500 not…
FYI, a single Flamm bomb can kill a base, even though it takes a long time. For the HE 115, I suggest playing Arcade since it’s easier to re-load.
You are correct.
I tested this in a full uptier (1.3-2.3) match in Air RB:
Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On
I do not play at these entry BRs that often but it looks like that gaijin changed a lot since my spading of the He 115:
Have a good one!
Ya…But I realised that in a higher BR (5.0), a single Flamm SC 250 only does half the damage until the fire is put out. (I wonder how). So the base is half dead, meaning you need 2 SC 250 Flamms.
A post by me from another thread:
Oh Really? I didn’t know…Something more I figured out was that the Flamm SC 250 didn’t weigh 250KG.
Four normal SC 250 would weigh about 1000KG. But four Flamm SC 250 weighs only 800KG. I guess the lighter weight makes up for the low multipier. Also, the Flamm bombs would be pretty dangerous to try against enemy planes. When they are near the ground and behind you (on your six) drop the Flamms and they will burn the planes (probably it’s my guess) and will have a higher blast radius… That’s what I think.
After reading your article…I could not be more amazed. I am, coincidentally, also using the DO 217 E-2. Of course, it’s always one of the three that kills. The Wyvern, the F8F, or the Yak-3/9. I really wish they’d stop the Wyvern spam and make the bomber altitude more higher so that strike airplanes would need to climb more rather than effortlessly attempting head-ons.
I started a war in the comments 🙏😭
Thx for the positive feedback!
As i wrote - it is extremely time consuming to stay alive in a Do 217. But if you play just for fun there is no pressure to score & rush to a base.
Staying alive is a a real challenge on its own, but sneaking around the map coming in high and very fast late match helped me in 140+ battles (in Air RB, i play nothing else) in the Ju 88 A-1; i managed to win 80% of my matches with airfield kills very late game and lost just one plane to a fighter, the other loss was 2022 or 23 when midfield aaa was bugged for some time and sniped anybody remotely close to them.
Multipliers are connected to base damage & maximum payload / optimal payload; but idc about SL/RP income, i have all i need.
The main advantage of the 8 x C 250 or 4 X C 500 loadout is that they are internal and have just a minor impact on climb and top speed. I mean speed is basically you only defense so everything what produces drag (like external payload) kills you in a Do 217.
That is also the reason why i use just internal payloads in the B-18B - even as the B-18B can dogfight and kill everything what is not Japanese, a Bv 155 or a Spitfire. Everything else is usually too slow - and too low…
No, the Academy section is meant to have a supportive character, exchanges of experiences are part of this.